A dummy billing document created prior to the real invoice. You can use pro forma invoices for invoice simulation or export papers, for example.
You can create a pro forma invoice at any time during VSS order processing. It details the current state of the VSS order, as if it was invoiced at that point in time.
If no changes are made to the VSS order after you create the pro forma invoice, the real invoice is exactly the same. A pro forma invoice appears exactly the same as a customer invoice. The difference is that this invoice does not need to be paid. Therefore, the system does not forward data to Financial Accounting (FI). We provide a dummy SD order type (QVSS), and a dummy item category (QVSS) that you can use.
The copy control from SD order to SD billing document must be set up in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Billing > Billing Documents > Maintain Copying Control for Billing Documents. Choose Copying control: Sales document to billing document.
In Customizing for Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) under Order > Order Type > Define Order Type, you create a "dummy" SD order type, and the corresponding pro forma billing type.
Also the used item categories within the copy control have to use valid item categories for the corresponding sales order type defined in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Sales > Sales Document Item > Assign Item Categories.
For information about using VSS billing documents, see SAP Note 1010372.