To activate the usage of tools it is necessary to make the following one-time settings in the SAP FSM Cloud Connector. All mentioned settings are transportable. The settings mentioned in steps 1 to 4 are set-up automatically by executing the SAP FSM cloud connector set-up program: /PACG/ECM_SETUP - E4C Setup. The settings are individually mentioned below for the purpose of information and reference.
Under transaction: /PACG/ECM_EODEF - ERP Object Definition, maintain Tool Assignment as an ERP object.
Under transaction: /PACG/ECM_CMSGTYPE - External Message Type Definition, maintain the external message types TOOLASSIGNMENT and USEDTOOL.
Under transaction: /PACG/ECM_EOAS - Object Assignment, maintain ERP object ID TOOLASS.
Outbound and Inbound IDOC and class definitions, should be all prepopulated with the Setup program.
/PACG/ECM_IOUTDEF - Definition of IDOC creation classes:
/PACG/ECM_DATASELDEF - Data selection class definitions:
/PACG/ECM_CLSASSIG - FSM Connector's Outgoing Messages Configuration:
/PACG/ECM_IINDEF - Definition of inbound data creator:
/PACG/ECM_ICONVDEF - Definition of XML-_IDOC converter:
/PACG/ECM_CLSASSIGIN - FSM Connector's Incoming Messages Configuration:
Under transaction: /PACG/ECM_PLAS - Plant Assignment, maintain ERP object ID ITEMTOOL for each relevant company.
Under transaction: /PACG/ECM_NOAS - No Object Assignment , for each relevant company maintain ERP object ID TOOLASS.