To activate the usage of tools, it is necessary to make the following one-time settings in the SAP FSM Cloud Connector. All mentioned settings are transportable. The settings mentioned in steps 1 to 4 are set-up automatically by executing the SAP FSM cloud connector set-up program: /PACG/ECM_SETUP - E4C Setup. The settings are individually mentioned below for the purpose of information and reference.
Set up automatically by the setup program
To be set up manually, for each relevant company
Plant assignment
Specify which plants are relevant for tool transfer to FSM (relevant for equipment-based tools). Under transaction: /PACG/ECM_PLAS - Plant Assignment, maintain ERP object ID ITEMTOOL for each relevant company and plant.
No object assignment
Under transaction: /PACG/ECM_NOAS - No Object Assignment, for each relevant company maintain ERP object ID TOOLASS.
Status to be set to the PRT
Make sure to customize which user status should be set to equipment-based tools in transaction /PACG/ECM_STAT - Statuses for Tool:
During transfer of a tool assignment to FSM, FSM Cloud Connector searches for an entry with FSM Status 'BOOKED' (and the relevant status profile, if found for the PRT), and attempts to set the found user status to the PRT: