This business scenario is used to handle rental processes of vehicles and accessories.
Rental Contract Management combines business scenarios like rental offer, rental contract and other subsequent processes within one screen as Fiori App to handle rental process for vehicles and equipment.
The following master data is required for rental process in Rental Contract Management app.
Material master record is created with serial profile for serialized products.
Equipment master is created with rental flag and at least product line (rental tab).
Equipment is classified for search via characteristics.
Customer master data is maintained.
Equipment is available in rental plant stock.
Rental materials are activated for rental process using transaction /PACG/RSM_USER
Rental process is configured (transaction /PACG/RSM_CONF) according to the configuration guide.
Depending on the settings you define in Customizing, the process flow may be as follows:
Searching for an available vehicle or an equipment by using a different kind of equipment field and characteristics variations
Selection of equipments or unserialized materials using bas basket functionality
Assignment of sub-equipments and building an equipment hierarchy
Initiation of creation a rental contract
Manage contract details (update prices, changing header or items fields)