Change Package Report
You use this report (transaction /DBE/PACKAGE_LIST2) to search for a list of packages, and change all selected packages in one step. For example, you can use this report to:
- Replace a material with a new version
- Change the target time for a specific labor value
- Change the individual price of a labor value or a part
The Change Package report supports the mass-change procedure for packages. Typically, this report involves the following steps:
- Entering search criteria for the packages you want to change
- Entering the changes you want to make (for example price, or quantity)
- Starting a test run
- Selecting packages you want to change
- Executing the mass-change procedure for selected packages
The package administrator who is responsible for creating and maintaining packages ensures that the packages used in the service process provide the correct parts, labors, quantities, and prices. Price changes for parts and labors are requested periodically. These price changes must also be updated in the packages that reference these parts and labors. The Change Package report allows you to select and update these packages.
The Change Package report contains the following:
- Fields for which you can change values. These include
- Part (material)
- Labor target time
- Package ID (item, not header)
- Package price
- Variant price
- Item price (discount, surcharge)
- Search criteria for the packages you want to change, including:
- Header data such as labor value, external package ID, and package status
- Organizational data such as plant, sales organization, and division
- Pricing data such as tax and condition group
- Standard variant data
- Item selection data such as labor value, target time, and item category
- Options for a background run. You can start the Change Package report as a background job. The package administrator can specify whether:
- The package price needs to be adjusted in case of a low margin
- The package is updated when the package is included in another package
- A test run is required
Packages include items with parts or labors. If a part number is replaced by a new part number (follow-up material), the part number must be replaced in all current and valid packages.
If the price of a part changes, all relevant packages must be updated with the new price information.
The package administrator checks whether the fixed price for the package must also be adjusted. The package administrator enters relevant search criteria, such as package type, organizational information, and the new price for the relevant part. The system determines relevant packages to be changed.
The package administrator checks all packages, navigates to the package details and decides whether to update the package or not.
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