Product updates and support

FSM Cloud Connector support pack

FSM Cloud Connector is updated quarterly via support packs. All FSM Cloud Connector add-on versions and service packs can be found under the following link:

Service Packs should be installed consecutively, e.g. to upgrade from SP4 to SP7, install SP5 first, then SP6 and finally SP7. Learn more about SAP software maintenance: Please make sure to perform all post-installation steps for each service pack. Post-installation steps are described above service pack change log.


SAP notes

SAP notes allow fixing detected FSM Cloud Connector issues without the need to install a new product version. SAP notes created for each service pack can be found under the following link:


Message Broker releases

Message Broker releases can be found under the following link:


FSM Newsletter

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Go back to First Steps with FSM Cloud Connector overview:


If you'd like to help us improve the documentation, please provide your feedback using the communication channels listed /wiki/spaces/PFCC/pages/1561427969. Learn about support possibilities here.