/PACG/ECM_OSAASC - Customers Sales Area Assignment Order
(S4)PACG 200 SP 13
Transaction /PACG/ECM_OSAASC is meant to allow users to define the order in which customers' sales areas will be read when sending data to FSM and which gets updated when incoming update is processed in the situations where there are more then one sales area relevant for the single company. This functionality extends current one where it was only possible to define the default sales are for customers. The transaction itself extends /PACG/ECM_SAASG - Sales Area Assignment with one field only: SORT ORDER.
SORT ORDER extends and not replace ‘DEFAULT’ functionality
The processing logic is now following: when connector determines the sales area to read data from or to update it first checks the default one regardless of defined sort order. If the customer is not defined within this sales area then Connector starts checking them following the defined sort order.
If sort order is not defined and there is more than one sales area defined for company sorting may be random.
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