/PACG/ECM_WRHOUSE - E4C warehouse
Definition of warehouses which are relevant for sending, master data, stock level and material movements.
Per warehouse an owner may be defined (user or personal no.). This is relevant when setting Cloud permission to "Own" for Warehouse and Warehouse Level e.g. to limit visibility in FSM to a van stock.
GenZero | Send a zero-stock level for material which does not exist in SAP`s material master for this plant / storage. |
User | Owner of storage location |
Storage location | Storage location has to be relevant to storage location which is assigned to plant |
PersNo. | The personnel number is the only unique key within a client for identifying the employee. Storage location should be assigned to user or personnel number never to both of them. |
Send Item Asynchronous | This checkbox prevent immediately material sending after stock level change. The sending should be triggered by job for transaction /PACG/ECM_ITEMSEND_A (This is to reduce IDOC traffic from stock level changes) |
WBS element | If plant, storage location and WBS element are entered, FSM Cloud Connector sends the warehouse ID in the following format: Idoc of type /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_WRHOUSE (Without the WBS Element field filled, the warehouse ID would be S10001040, plant 1000, storage location 1040) Stock information is then sent also for project stock and the technician can consume items from this warehouse. Project Stock is quantity of a material which is held in stock for the completion of a project. The project stock is allocated to a work breakdown structure (WBS) element. A WBS element describes a task or a partial task that can be divided. Learn more about WBS elements: https://help.sap.com/erp_hcm_ias2_2014_03/helpdata/en/66/62bd534f22b44ce10000000a174cb4/content.htm?no_cache=true |
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