/PACG/ECM_CTET - Time posting settings
Learn more about time efforts: Time efforts. Learn more about work time tasks: Work time and work time tasks
New selection entry screen available since S4PACG200 SP16.
FSM Connector allows to specify configuration settings for Time posting per available integration approaches:
Service order-based service call,
Service notification-based service call,
WBS-based service call
Network-based service call,
Production order-based service call,
S4 HANA Service Order [available on S4PACG300 SP 3].
To separate the settings, create a new configuration entry and specify the Integration Category parameter.
Each of this entries behaves as separate and individual configuration, therefore it can be differentiate. E.g. for Service orders-based service calls CATS entry is posted and for Network-based service calls, Time Confirmation is posted.
The Integration Category can be also separated itself by specifying Integration Category Type parameter. It means that the Time Posting setting will apply only for specified Order Type.
To keep Time Posting settings on the FSM Company ID level, only one configuration entry with the following set of parameters must be entered:
FSM Company ID - e.g. 1000
Integration Category - All possible integration scenarios.
It is crucial to keep in mind that the Connector treats the more specified configuration entry with higher priority. Therefore, if two entries exists (first one only for FSM Company ID and second one for FSM Company ID, Integration Category and Integration Category Type), then the FSM Connector will perform Time Posting process based on the settings for the Integration Category and Integration Category Type parameters.
BGJob IDOC procesing | Background job IDOC processing instead of automatic. The technician can book the times in the future. If this is not set, then a red Idoc(s) will appear if time effort is booked directly as confirmation to the service order. Idoc will be stored in table /PACG/ECM_TECI. IDocs stored in this table can be processed with program /PACG/ECM_PROC_TIMEEFF_IDOCS This checkbox is part of obsolete solution for time effort processing. |
Use TimeZoneId | If set, then the start and end date of work time & time effort entries in another time zone are not converted in the time zone of the Company but remain as entered in the time zone of the mobile device used. This is to be used if local timestamps are relevant for activity type determination or overtime identification. |
CATS active | If set, then CATS entries will be created for a time effort. Otherwise, an order confirmation will be created. It is not possible to create CATS entries and order confirmation at the same time. |
CATStxt on | If set, then texts from time effort / worktime are transferred to CATS entries. If the entries in the config transaction /PACG/ECM_CHOP are maintained then relevant texts stored there will be added in the first line to the time effort / worktime texts |
Change from | Start date from which the current CATS profile is used for postings. |
Entry Profile | Data entry profile for CATS bookings. The data entry profile determines the method of data entry, the layout of the data entry screen, and the following factors:
Release | If set, CATS entries are automatically released. |
Past option | Past option settings indicate which postings should be processed during a specific period of time. They indicate allowed time effort start dates to limit posting in the past. The options which allow bookings in the past are:
Please note that this setting is not relevant in case when Park from and Park to dates are entered and the time effort falls in between their range. In this case all time efforts in the range will be parked for later processing (see /PACG/ECM_POST_TIMEF - Rebooking of not booked Work Time and Time Effort) and saved in table /PACG/ECM_ALTEW. Examples: If no limitation is set, then all postings will be processed automatically - unless parked from and parked to are set and time effort falls in between their range. In such a case the time entries in the range will be saved in table /PACG/ECM_ALTEW for later processing. If X days is set, then the days between the current point in time and X days will be booked and the days past the X days will be saved in /PACG/ECM_ALTEW table for later processing. |
Future option | Future option settings indicate which postings should be processed during a specific period of time. They indicate allowed time effort start dates to limit posting in the future The options which allow bookings in the future are:
Please note that this setting is not relevant in case when Park from and Park to dates are entered and the time effort falls in between their range. In this case all time efforts in the range will be parked for later processing (see /PACG/ECM_POST_TIMEF - Rebooking of not booked Work Time and Time Effort) and saved in table /PACG/ECM_ALTEW. Example: If no limitation is set, then all postings will be processed automatically - unless parked from and parked to are set and time effort falls in between their range. In such a case the time entries in the range will be saved in table /PACG/ECM_ALTEW for later processing. If until today is set, then all time efforts entered until today will be processed automatically (unless parked from and parked to are set and time effort falls in between their range) and time efforts entered tomorrow and after tomorrow will not be processed automatically and will be saved in /PACG/ECM_ALTEW table for later processing In the below scenario, the past option is set as two days and the future option is set as until today. Please note that Park from and Park to values are empty: The below time entries have been entered and approved. Please consider the 1st of June 2021 as today’s date. Please also note the dates of time efforts. Only the 3rd time entry (form the 1st of June) was automatically processed: The remaining entries were saved in table /PACG/ECM_ALTEW for later processing. Two of them - from the 2nd of June and the 3rd of June exceed future limit (until today) and the other one from the 29th of May exceeded the past limit (2 days): |
No book E4C | Do not create entries in FSM Cloud Connector table /PACG/ECM_ALTEW. This table is used for the functionality of time effort parking. Learn more: /PACG/ECM_POST_TIMEF - Rebooking of not booked Work Time and Time Effort The setting must be inactive in case time effort parking is to be used. See fields: Past/Future option and Park From/To in the hereby described transaction. |
Settlm.Rules | If this option selected the CATS Receiver from the Service Orders settlement rule is determined for CATS entry – it may be sales document item, CO order, PSP element, network item. |
Fill send cctr | If set, then the sending cost center in confirmations/CATS entries is filled, based on rules entered in/PACG/ECM_CTET - Time posting settings | (S4)PACG 200 SP10 Sending Cost Center for time effort (CATS) / OLD LABEL Sendi... |
Fill rec cctr | If set, then the receiver cost center in confirmations/CATS entries is filled, based on rules entered in /PACG/ECM_CTET - Time posting settings | Receiving Cost Center for time effort (CATS and Conf.) / OLD LABEL Receiving Co... |
ActType PA0315 | For time posting, use the Activity Type assigned to the reporting technician in infotype 0315. It can be used to avoid time task selection by a technician during time effort recording. |
Park From/ Park to | Park from and Park to options are available since the 2105 Release. They indicate the timeframe (date of posting in the system, not time effort dates!), for which the time efforts should be parked for later processing. Time effort data processed between the specified time range is stored in table /PACG/ECM_ALTEW along with UDF data in /PACG/ECM_ALTEWU and CATS receiver data in /PACG/ECM_ALTEWC. Stored data can be posted using report /PACG/ECM_POST_TIMEF - Rebooking of not booked Work Time and Time Effort, which is advised to be run as a batch job with relevant parameters. Please note that in order to use this solution, the setting BGJob IDOC processing should be set to NO, as this setting was used for previous time effort processing solution, setting ‘No book E4C’ in this transaction must be disabled. |
(S4)PACG 200 SP10 Sending Cost Center for time effort (CATS) / OLD LABEL Sending Cost Center source for time effort
Receiving Cost Center for time effort (CATS and Conf.) / OLD LABEL Receiving Cost Center for time effort | When options ‘Fill send cctr’/'Fill rec cctr' are activated, these fields are used to determine how the sending/receiver cost center will be retrieved. Receiving Cost Center is used with CATS and Confirmation as well. However, Sending Cost Center option can be used only with CATS. Learn more about how these options work with WBS-based service calls and activities: TIME EFFORTS in WBS element integration | Additional time effort customizing options |
Time in H | Actual work/duration values in confirmations created for time efforts will always be rounded to hours. If unchecked, only values divisible by 6 would be rounded to hours and the other would be posted in minutes. WARNING: Please be aware that such conversion may cause slight data change due to rounding precision. Actual work is rounded up to 2 decimals and duration up to 1.
13 minutes of time effort - posted without this setting enabled
13 minutes of time effort - posted with this setting enabled
Split confirmations can also be rounded to hours. Split confirmation without this setting enabled
Split confirmation with this setting enabled
Rounding in SAP FSMThe following SAP FSM settings can be used to round time effort time on the mobile app:
(S4)PACG 200 SP05 UpdRelDocs | If a time effort was updated in SAP FSM after synchronization with SAP ECC/S4 (example by a business rule), allow cancellation of the related CATS/confirmation entries. Afterwards, new CATS/confirmation entries will be created following the standard inbound time effort processing. If the setting is disabled, logs informing about the changes will be added to the idoc but no SAP object will be affected. Learn more: Time efforts updated in SAP FSM (S4)PACG 200 SP10 The field also allows update of documents related to a work time, after it was modified or deleted in SAP FSM. Learn more: Deletion and update of Work Time in FSM |
(S4)PACG 200 SP06 TUfromActT | Use the activity type's default unit for confirmation or activity allocation posting (work time posting to an internal order). The default unit is searched for the activity type determined during time effort/work time processing (based on time effort task or work time task type customizing). Default unit types can be found per activity type and controlling area in transaction KL13
Affected units in a time confirmation for a service order: Controlling area of the service order and activity type from work time customizing were used to determine the relevant unit
Affected unit in an activity allocation document: Controlling area of the internal order and activity type from work time customizing were used to determine the relevant unit
Unit source is communicated in idoc logs: The default unit will not be used if posting to CATS is activated. |
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