/PACG/ECM_O_IDOC_T - Outgoing Idoc - time differences

/PACG/ECM_O_IDOC_T - Outgoing Idoc - time differences

/PACG/ECM_OUT_IDOC_TIME – Processing time of outgoing IDOCs is an administration report serving the purpose of being a performance measurement tool by looking for time differences in outgoing Idocs between status "01“ (creation) and "18" (initiation of the EDI subsystem) and between "18" and 41“ (application document generated in the target system). The user can view the time difference between Idoc creation and its last update (difference column), time difference between Idoc creation and sending it to Message Broker (To send column) and time difference between sending the idoc to Message Broker and receiving FSM Cloud confirmation (to conf column).


(S4)PACG 200 SP12 Select option ‘Created at’ allows to choose time with greater accuracy, not relying only on the date.

(S4)PACG 200 SP15 / 300 sp02 Outbound IDoc Type allows to limit the displayed idocs to specific FSM-related basic types.


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