/PACG/ECM_ALV_USERS - Mass User Maintenance

/PACG/ECM_ALV_USERS - Mass User Maintenance

Creating or changing a Person entry in this transaction triggers automatic Person creation/update in FSM. Manual execution of the dedicated sending transactions for USER/EMPLOYEE is not necessary.

The /PACG/ECM_ALV_USERS transaction allows to make mass updates within a selected company. It consists of the selection screen where the basic user data can be entered and filtered and the grid view where the existing records can be managed.

The selection screen allows to filter user data: Company, Usernames, Personnel numbers, Personnel area and their ranges.

Additionally the records can be filtered by settings related to user configuration - the checkboxes: Subcontractor, Plannable, Not active, (S4)pacg 200 SP11 Login enabled, and the entry fields: FSM User active, FSM User ID, Permission Group ID and User Crowd Type.
The Company ID is a compulsory parameter and a specific value must be entered there (ranges or multiple values are not allowed). If user and personal number are left blank on the selection screen, then the grid displays all existing users for the specified company.




(S4)PACG 200 SP15 (S4) PACG300 SP02 The functionality of mass user upload from an xlsx file is described on the following page: Mass User Upload.


In the grid view, one can choose between various options allowing to manage data.,



(S4)PACG 200 SP07
Until add-on 200 SP07, if an SAP user was linked to an employee, only username would be displayed (and otherwise only personnel number). Now, both username and personnel number will be displayed simultaneously if both exist for a given FSM technician.


The following options are available:


Options for selection of a single record

User info

One can select a single record and press on User Info button in order to see the details of the chosen user/personnel number. The relevant transaction related to the chosen record: SAP user maintenance (SU01) or HR Master Data (PA30) will be displayed on the screen:



(S4)PACG 200 SP05 Show Warehouse

After selecting a row with data, clicking on the ‘Show Warehouse’ button displays all warehouses that the user is assigned to. All data is actually for company which was chosen on startup this transaction. There are two types of links, user can be the main owner or additional owner of warehouse. It is possible to give two options at once for the same user, in that case the popup window show him as a main owner. To identify the types of owners there are icons shown on the left side of the window. Single ‘human’ means main owner and pair of ‘humans’ are additional owner.




Options for selection of a single or multiple records

Subcontractor/Plan/Not active/Perm ID/Crowd/FSM active

Update user details by selecting the button (subcontractor/plan/not active/perm id/crowd/fsm active) and choosing the specific value from the dropdown:





Delete the chosen records by clicking delete button:



Copy chosen records between the companies by selecting the copy button and choosing the destination company from the dropdown:




Note that the records were copied: they exists both in the original company (1000) and the new destination company (6000)



Move selected records between the companies by selecting the move button and choosing the destination company:




Note that the records were moved: they were deleted from the original company (1000) and transferred to the destination company (6000)




Add new records (by appending the row or inserting the row)

Note: FSM User Id field can be only entered while creating a new user record. In other cases the information is read-only.

If the user/personnel number already exists in some company and FSM User Id was previously defined there for the user, then while creating the record in the new company the FSM User ID will be defaulted with the previous entry.

Switch companies

Switch between companies in order to display the same set of data prefiltered on the selection screen for a different company

Check users

Check validity of user(s) - this functionality is analogical to functionality of the report /PACG/ECM_FSMUSR_CHK - Check Users . When it’s executed for selected entries it checks if user(s) are valid within SAP.



(S4)PACG 200 SP09 This includes:

1. Status of SAP user:  

  • if exists 

  • if within validity date 

  • if not locked  

2. Status of related personal number:  

  • if exists  

  • if employment status is active (P0000-STAT2) 

  • if employee’s Personnel Area is relevant to the FSM

If a Personnel Area is not relevant to the FSM, the field of Personnel Area column is marked red.


For a mass view of ‘FSM-rel. PersArea’ - select all FSM Users and go to ‘Check Users’



(S4)PACG 200 SP08 and older The retuned validity status is compared with FSM users' status. If the user(s) are still set as active then their status will be changed to inactive however the update to FSM will be triggered only after save. After the changes are saved, the relevant IDocs are sent and the data is automatically updated in the cloud.


(S4)PACG 200 SP12 Organization Structure

Collectively assign users to an organization structure level. Learn more: /PACG/ECM_CUST_ORG - Maintain Organization. Organization assignment update is automatically reflected in FSM.


(S4)PACG 200 SP12 Show Org. Level

Display assignment of a user/users to an organization structure level. Learn more: /PACG/ECM_CUST_ORG - Maintain Organization.


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