/PACG/ECM_E4C_ACTI - Activities & Assignments
This is a monitoring transaction for E4C activities related to a specified sales organization.
This program displays entries with both activity and assignment activity types. Two other programs exist specifically for:
activities - /PACG/ECM_E4C_ACTI_O - Activities
assignments - /PACG/ECM_E4C_ACTI_A - Assignments
Part of this output information can also be found using transaction /PACG/ECM_ACTI_VC03 - Display FSM Activity - archivedarchived, the transaction described on this page however contains significantly more fields, which otherwise would have to be found e.g. by navigating to IW33 (Display Service Order) or PA30 (Maintain HR Master Data).
Employee/Appl.Name | Name of employee or applicant (infotype 0001), which is then converted into a personnel number and searched for in activity’s 'personnel number' field. |
Source tables
The fields are gathered from a range of tables:
/PACG/ECM_ACTI - E4C Activity (see also: /PACG/ECM_ACTI_VC03 - Display FSM Activity - archivedarchived)
AUFK - Order master data
PA0001 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
KNA1 - General Data in Customer Master
Overview of all fields
A print view of all the fields in transaction /PACG/ECM_E4C_ACTI - Activities & Assignments with example data:
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