Since SAP S/4 no longer supports sales activities, a new object – E4C Activity has been created, with proper transactions to manage it. It's recommended to all FSM Cloud Connector users to use solely this new object. Already existing sales activities can be easily transformed into E4C activities with the migration program.
The migration program can be found in /PACG/ECE package (program /PACG/ECE_ACTIVITY_TRANSFER).
For the migration program to run correctly, the ‘E4C Activity’ flag in transaction/PACG/ECM_CPROP - General Properties of E4C must be enabled first. The activity type cannot be determined unless this flag is switched on.
Data Selection
To transfer sales activities to E4C activities using the migration program, the ‘Data selection’ section of it must be filled carefully. Leaving these fields empty results in migration of all the sales activities found.
To transfer one particular sales activity or a range of activity numbers, use the ‘Sales activity no.’ field.
Configuration update
Leave the ‘Change IDOC processing class’ option empty if you want to transfer activities, not configuration (for changing only the configuration classes, see the Post migration section).
Running the program
After filling the ‘Data selection’ and ‘Configuration update’ sections of the program, the user can run the program in either a test mode, or a regular mode.
To run the program in the test mode, make sure to check the ‘Test run’ option.
The program will display a warning window with a number of activities to transfer, and then logs showing which activities can be transformed, have already been processed or can't be mapped - no changes will be made in the database, however.
If run in the regular mode, the program will act similarly, with proper changes made in the database. First, a warning window displays the number of sales activities selected to be transformed.
If no fitting activity is found, an error log is displayed.
After clicking ‘Execute’ in the warning window, the transformation takes place. Eventually logs are displayed, confirming successful transformation for specified activities. All the logs can be found in /pacg/ece_acttr table (E4C: Log table with migrated sales activities).
Transformed activities (from the VBKA table) can now be found in the /PACG/ECM_ACTI table. They can also be retrieved in transactions /PACG/ECM_ACTI_VC01, /PACG/ECM_ACTI_VC02 or /PACG/ECM_ACTI_VC03.
Post migration
Once the migration is done and successful, set up the configuration for the E4C activity for your business process if it's not created already.
From this moment the new activities created will be E4C activity.
Post migration configuration update
To automatically update the classes for configuration after successful migration, the ‘Change IDOC processing class’ option should be checked. Running the program with this setting won't result in new activities being transferred/created. Solely the classes will be updated.
The 'Configuration update' section of the program should be filled with classes below:
Inb. Data Create.Class - Change 'Incoming Message Attributes' for the message type /PACG/ECM_ACTIVITYIN - Inb. Data Creation class /PACG/ECM_CL_S_IDOC_I_ACTIVI_E
IDOC Creation Class - Change the 'Outgoing Class Assignment' for message type /PACG/ECM_ACTIVITYOUT - Idoc Class /PACG/ECM_CL_S_IDOC_O_ACTI_E
Data Selection Class - /PACG/ECM_CL_S_SEL_ACTIVITY_E