/PACG/ECM_DEL_MAP_N - Delete Mappings

/PACG/ECM_DEL_MAP_N - Delete Mappings

Learn more about all recommended periodic administration activities: Periodic administration/background job activities

Delete mapping tables entries related to a specific company.


Table name

Specify which mapping table should be cleared. Leave empty to select multiple tables in the next step.

Records per LUW

The number of table entries deleted before work commit

Simulation run

Display log only, without performing actual deletion


Available mapping tables


Hash Table




SAP -> external object reference


Mapping of the message ID to the idoc number


Incoming message mapping


List of sent attachments


Store warehouse sent to Cloud


Process steps

Step 1 - Specify the mapping table to be cleared, the company ID of entries relevant for deletion and uncheck the ‘Simulation run’ checkbox. Click 'Execute'.


Step 2 - Select the table and click ‘Delete mappings


Step 3 - Check the log


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