

1.1 E4C Configuration in SAP ECC


  •        Update the FSM account and company details. The company name should be the same while created in the cloud. Transaction /PACG/ECM_CACC

  •        Check if the FSM related Partner profile in WE21 and port in WE21 is still existing in Quality system after system copy.


Transaction WE20

Transaction WE21


  •        If these records disappeared after system copy You have to create new ones.

  •        In transaction WE20 go to partner profile and then create new record.

Partner No. – should be the same as company name

Partner Type – choose “LS” logical system

Ty. – type of responsible for this system it could be department or user etc. in our case it is US (user)

Agent – SAP ID of responsible person

Lang. – main language


1.2 Webservice in SAP ECC

  •        Check the webservice set up for Quality System. (It is copied from Production system, hence the Quality system set up is overwritten)

  •        After clicked the button SOAMANAGER You will go to window

  • Check the user name and password from Message broker file for Quality system.

  •        If the Service is deleted after a system copy, then Create a new service with below steps indicated in screen shots.

  •        Save the service and check if the service is active.


1.3 The technical user used to log in to SAP ECC/S4

Make sure to verify also the technical user used for authentication to SAP system by Message Broker (Message Broker configuration file → section SapDefinitions). The check should include:

  • username

  • password

  • validity dates

  • the lock indicator


1.4 Technicians/Planners set up for Quality system

  •        After system copy, the technicians list is copied from Production system to Quality system. As we do not need to activate all the technicians/planners, delete the users which are not needed.

  •        Path to delete the users copied from production and to update only the required test users is as follows.



1.4 Warehouse set up for Quality system.

In some cases, when system is copied, it is necessary to maintain settings for warehouse again.


  •       Path to maintain the Warehouse /PACG/ECM_WRHSE


  •        If warehouse is missed, it is necessary to make new entry:


1.5. Number ranges

Before system copy, note all number range statuses on the test system for number ranges starting with /PACG* (use transaction SNRO, table NRIV or FSM Cloud Connector cockpit).


After copy, these statuses must be re-entered on the system, to avoid using the same SAP key in FSM twice. Otherwise, outbound idocs will end in status 40 and ‘ID mapping mismatch error’.


If the statuses were not noted before copy, after system copy increase the number ranges by a value reasonable for a given object type (for instance by 1000 for checklist templates, 10000 for checklist instances). This should fix the issue for all upcoming objects, the ones already received require update of the key in the dedicated tables and manual update in the idoc - this should not be performed without proaxia’s support.

If there are checklist templates in FSM that do not exist in SAP ECC/S4, checklist template number range must be changed. E.g. when a production system is copied, the related FSM company may already have multiple checklists created and each of them is mapped with an SAP id. If a new checklist template version is created, a generic idoc may end up with status 40 because of a failed attempt to map the new FSM id with an SAP id previously mapped with another FSM id. To avoid the consumption of already used IDs, navigate to transaction SNRO and increase the NR status field for number range /PACG/CLTT.


Determine the relevant NR Status value in one of the following ways:

  • If external IDs are enabled on your system (field External Id in transaction /PACG/ECM_COMP - Company definition), navigate to query api in the admin module for your FSM company, select ChecklistTemplate objects by externalId in the descending order and find the last used SAP template ID, like below:

The new NR status in SNRO should be higher than the ID above.

  • Reach out to SAP support to learn about the latest used SAP code for checklist template (based on internal mapping table between SAP IDs and FSM IDs)

  • Assess how many checklist template objects have been created in the FSM company. Check in table NRIV the last used checklist template id.

    Enter a significantly higher number in the NR status field in SNRO, e.g. +100 or +1000.


To unblock a failed checklist template version (generic idoc with status 40), please contact the FSM Cloud Connector support team. This requires changing the status of the generic idoc and editing the sap key which should be closely assisted by a technical consultant. It can also be corrected automatically by using /PACG/ECM_FIX_CT_GEN - Unblock checklist templates.


Next steps: Configurations of Message Broker and FSM Cloud Company available here Message Broker and FSM Cloud Company Configuration


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