You have done the required steps described in Order Processing for Vehicle Service with Service Contracts.
- In the Customer Service menu under , create a service contract with contract type VSS Service Contract (QSC).
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On the Sales tab page, you must enter the contract start and end dates, otherwise the system does not display the service contract in the input help when you assign the service contract to the service contract release order (see Creating Service Contract Release Orders, step 2). |
4. You can define the coverage details of the service contract at item level (see Order Processing for Vehicle Service with Service Contracts, section “Prerequisites”). On the Coverage Details tab page in the Covered Service field, you can enter for each service contract item how often the customer is entitled to receive the service. You can also define which percentage of which services are covered by (settled to) the service contract. To do so, enter the relevant service item groups, packages, and percentages.
5. In VSS Data tab page, on the Coverage Details in the Mileage - from, to & mileage unit fields, you can enter the vehicle mileage range for each service contract item to limit the validity of the service contract item based upon the vehicle mileage.
6. After you have assigned the vehicle to the service contract item, the system updates the vehicle history by using the vehicle action Create Assignment of Vehicle to Contract (QCVA) and generates a link to the service contract. If you delete the assignment of the vehicle to the contract item, the system updates the vehicle history by using the vehicle action Delete Assignment of Vehicle to Contract and deletes the link to the contract.