With the Action CANC the Flag CANCELLED is set in the SRS order header (Table /DBME/WMA_AORDH) and all Demands of the SRS order (Table /DBME/WMA_ADEMA).
- Function Cancel unplanned demands
Unplanned demands are visible in the system, even if the respective VSS Order is already completely processed.
This function allows the user to trigger the cancelation of all demands (/DBM/WMA_AORDH), which are not allocated to a resource. The cancelation is only carried out for demands, where the respective Job of the VSS Order is completed or invoiced. All other demands will be ignored.
- Function Restore
With the Action REST the Flag CANCELLED is deleted in the SRS order header (Table /DBME/WMA_AORDH) and all Demands of the SRS order (Table /DBME/WMA_ADEMA). The SRS order is reactivated.
To-Do Basket - Order editionPossibility to select demands for rescheduling
The whole order may be rescheduled or only the subset of the given demands. The new version of the popup for rescheduling is available in the To Do Basket. There is a dedicated tab, where you can indicate, which demands are the subject for rescheduling. Please however note the crucial characteristic of the rescheduling: always the whole order is rescheduled. Even if you indicate, that the given demands are not to be rescheduled, they will be a subject for the new order allocation anyway, but the SRS allocation logic will try to keep them unchanged.
Example #1:
A VSS Order has been created with the following demands:
Meeting with Service Advisor (demand type SERV_ADV_B)
Oil change (demand type WORK_GEN)
Engine repair (demand type WORK_GEN)
Meeting with Service Advisor (demand type SERV_ADV_E)
It is not a problem to trigger the rescheduling of demands 3 and 4. In that case the allocations of demands 1 and 2 may stay unchanged (if the planning procedure still confirms the availability of the resources). You may select the demands 3 and 4 and trigger the rescheduling of them. In that case the whole order will be rescheduled (the demands 1 – 4) will be a subject for rescheduling, but the planning procedure will keep (if possible) the allocations of 1 and 2 unchanged.
Example #2:
A VSS Order has been created with the following demands:
Meeting with Service Advisor (demand type SERV_ADV_B)
Oil change (demand type WORK_GEN)
Engine repair (demand type WORK_GEN)
Meeting with Service Advisor (demand type SERV_ADV_E)
Replacement car (demand type RCAR)
Your intention is again to reschedule the demands 3 and 4. Please notice however, that in this case it is not possible to reschedule the demands 3 and 4 only. The demand 5 (replacement car) has to be rescheduled as well to keep the replacement car available during the whole repair time. If you shift the allocations of 3 and 4 to the future, the allocation of 5 must be adapted as well (made longer).
So the general rule is: even if you mark the given demands as relevant for rescheduling, still the whole order is rescheduled (with the attempt to keep the allocations of unselected demands unchanged).
Planning Parameter: Maximal Duration
The maximum duration is an additional planning parameter, that the user can provide on the date screen. The User can provide the maximum total duration as a new constraint for the planning. The VSS SRS Planning Engine tries to find an available appointment slot, where the total duration of the appointment will not exceed the maximum duration specified by the user.
If the search is not successful, the user receives feedback.
Since the new release it is possible to enter the maximum appointment duration. It is the maximum duration of the allocation which may be proposed by the planning procedure. If the allocation may not be proposed (the visit time cannot be found which would meet the constraints), the corresponding error message is issued. Maximum appointment duration can be provided both while creation of the order and when rescheduling the existing order.
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