- Cancel Last Billing Document (BILLING_CANCEL)
If there are several billing documents for a VSS order, you can cancel them individually by using this event.
- Cancel All Billing Documents (BILLING_ALL_CANC)
You can use this event to cancel all billing documents in one step.
- You reopen the invoiced VSS order and choose one the events:
- Event Cancel Last Billing Document (BILLING_CANCEL)
- Event Cancel All Billing Documents (BILLING_ALL_CANC)
- The system updates the entries in the status overview, the document flow, and the cost analysis as follows:
- Status overview:
For more information about cancelling billing documents in a VSS order and order split, see SAP Library for SAP for Industries on SAP Help Portal at http://help.sap.com/. Choose SAP for Industries > SAP for Automotive > Vehicle Sales and Service and choose a release. In SAP Library for VSS, choose:
- Cross Component Functions > Billing > Cancellation of Billing Documents in a VSS Order
- Cross Component Functions > Order Split
- Vehicle Service > Service Order Split