This section describes the main functionalities in DASA.
DASA FIORI Tile in SAP FIORI Launchpad
DASA can be accessed via the Service Advisor Dashboard FIORI Tile.
Quick Links
Quick link card allows the service advisor to display a collection of links that can reference both internal and external targets.
Semantic object is created and mapped.
Quick link definition and determination is configured in customizing.
Personalize quick links for frequently used application.
Navigate to external target for example website or web application like parts catalogue.
Navigate to internal target for example other VSS application like SRS or VSS Order Management Cockpit.
My Additional Jobs
My Additional Jobs card allows the service advisor to view count of additional jobs by task status. Service advisor gets instant information regarding the number of additional jobs based on the task status.
Task ID and task status related to additional job is configured in customizing.
Instant overview of the additional job situation within the workshop.
Navigate to VSS Task Center according to the task status to take necessary action on the additional job.
Service Orders by Task Status
Service Orders by Task Status card allows the service advisor to view count of service orders by task status. Service advisor gets instant information regarding the number of service orders based on the task status.
Task ID and task status related to service order processing is configured in customizing.
Instant overview of the service order situation within the workshop.
Navigate to VSS Task Center according to the task status to take necessary action on the service order.