/PACG/ECM_PLAS - Plant Assignment

/PACG/ECM_PLAS - Plant Assignment

For each company and plant-dependent object (based on mapping in /PACG/ECM_EOAS - Object Assignment), define a plant allowing for transfer to a given company. In other words, this transaction defines plants that objects of a given type have to be created in to be sent to a given company, if an object’s plant does not match the mapping, it can’t be sent to a given company.

Only one entry can be set as default for a given object in one company. E.g. if there are two entries for object SERVICECALL in company 1, only one should be set as default. If one entry is already set as default and the user sets another entry for the same object in the same company as default, after clicking the ‘save’ button only the second entry will remain default (radio button behavior).

Plant assignment is effective only if a given ERP objects is assigned ‘2 Plant’ in transaction /PACG/ECM_EOAS - Object Assignment.

In the example below, a service order created in plant 1000 or 2000 can be sent to company 1000. Service orders from other plants will not be transferred to SAP FSM. A service call added in FSM company 1000 will be created in the SAP plant which is set as ‘Default’, in this case 1000.


Learn more about the process of sending intercompany equipment: Equipment intercompany master data

During outbound service call processing, ‘foreign’ equipment or customer master data can be sent to the service call’s company. By ‘foreign’ it is meant ‘assigned to a plant/sales area which is defined as intercompany’, as opposed to standard plants/sales area defined for a given company.  In the example below, by default company 8 uses equipment from plant 1200. Plant 1000 is added as special, ‘intercompany’ plant.



The ‘Equip. SerOrd’ setting in transaction /PACG/ECM_EQ1 should be checked (relevant for equipment only).


1. During sending of a service order with equipment (header level or object list) to company 8 it is checked if there exist open service orders using the same equipment (including the equipment’s top-down structure) but created in different plants (in the example case it’d be different from plant 1200, e.g. plant 1000). The equipment is searched on header, operation and object list level of other service orders

a.       Service orders’ phase should be ‘Released’


2. Plants of the found service orders should match Plant Assignment relevant for company 8 and object ‘EQUIPMENT’. Also the ‘Intercompany’ setting must be checked.


3. If the above process is successful, a /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_EQUI idoc (with equipment from plant 1000) is sent to company 8, together with the service call.


(S4) PACG 200 SP10 Copy to another company

Use the button ‘Copy to another company’ to easily copy plant assignments from one company to another.


You can keep the plants of the source company or use a new plant.

Keep the plants of the source company

Objects and plants of the source company will be copied for the target company.




Use the mapping

Objects from the source company will be copied to the target company, based on the mapping. Only the entries whose areas are mapped (entered as source plant) will be considered, the rest will be omitted.

Search helps for the source plants include only the plants already assigned to the source company. For the plants to be properly displayed, please make sure to press ENTER before opening a search help.


Compare, if source company’s plant 1000 is mapped with target plant 2000:

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