/PACG/ECM_VFSMPG - FSM Users' permission groups

/PACG/ECM_VFSMPG - FSM Users' permission groups

Usually FSM Users' Permission Groups are defined and assigned only in SAP FSM. Learn more about User Policy Groups and permission management in SAP FSM: https://help.sap.com/viewer/fsm_admin/Cloud/en-US/user-groups.html?q=user%20groups

Maintain FSM Users' Permission Groups in SAP.


Add a permission group

To add a new permission group, create a new entry in the hereby described view. Fill the ‘Company ID’, ‘Permission ID’ and ‘FSM Users' Permission Group Description' fields.



Permission Groups are not synchronized from SAP FSM. To obtain a relevant ‘Permission ID’ value, navigate to a specific User Policy Group in Admin module and copy the last digits from the address bar (see below).



Assign a permission group to a user

Permission groups can be assigned to users in transaction /PACG/ECM_MAINT_USER - FSM users .



Transfer the changed user and check the new user group in Admin module

The changed user should then be transferred to SAP FSM with transaction /PACG/ECM_USERMASTER. This generates an idoc of type /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_USER with field ‘FSM_USR_PERM’ in segment '/PACG/ECM_IS_USER2'. The field holds a relevant Permission ID value.



The change can be checked by navigating to the modified user in Admin module and scrolling down to the ‘User Policy Groups’ tab.



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