/PACG/ECM_SCG – Service call general settings
"No task": Service Call - do not send tasks. If this is set here, then the message type /PACG/ECM_SERVICECALL_TASK will not be sent back to FSM. These messages are sent by SAP in response to FSM release of activity to the technician. The side effects in FSM is that the table "TimeTask" will not have an entry for the said service call.
This will eventually cause the following list of effort types to be shown. The multiple lines here actually refer to the service task per activity. If SAP doesn't send to FSM, FSM will take all other entries of other activity to be shown in the mobile.
In the windows app, this will be shown:
If the settings were made like below or no entries at all, then the message type /PACG/ECM_SERVICECALL_TASK will be sent.
As noted, the outbound messages in relation to the task below:
The data stored in FSM:
In mobile app, only two will be shown on the activity level per technician:
In the windows app, it will be shown as:
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