/PACG/ECM_SERFP - Notification update rules for activity feedback

/PACG/ECM_SERFP - Notification update rules for activity feedback

When an activity feedback code is reported in FSM, for every code group-code pair (level) the destination field in the Service Notification is determined.



Will be stored in

MA - Task

MF - Activity

OT - Item - Object Part

FE - Item – Problem

UR - Cause

Out of one Activity Feedback maximum 5 pairs Group-Code can be written into the Service Notification. In the configuration table /PACG/ECM_SERFP you assign the Level Nr (mentioned in /PACG/ECM_SERCD) the Field of Service Notification which will be updated. If the given line of Service Notification (Task, Activity, Item or Cause) does not exist, it will be created when the Activity Feedback is processed. Otherwise the first line (and only the first line) is updated. In addition, if the user enters the External Text and/or Internal Text in the FSM mobile application, then it will be stored as the long text in the Service Notification (the concatenation of External Text and Internal Text will be stored in the document).Notice, that only the Service Notifications matching the given Equipment or Technical Location will be updated, e.g. if the Activity Feedback is performed for the Equipment 10001038, then only the highlighted Notifications will be updated:

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