Application “commission maintenance report” - detail
Application “commission maintenance report” - detail
Functional Requirements
Detail commission maintenance screen in commission management
At the selection screen of commission report, the user defines the criteria to reduce the shown commissions, that are relevant for the actual processing case. As result all corresponding commissions are shown with the main / defined information in a single ALV screen. To get more detailed information, a single line can be selected by single click and the commission detail screen appear.
Alternative, a direct access (without commission report) is possible by commission change / display transactions.
In addition, there are several functions available to handle the commissions (independent how detail screen is started).
In this chapter, the detail maintenance screen incl. the available functions will be described.
- T-Code: /DBME/PMA_PROV (by click at single commission)
/DBME/PMA_PROV02 - Change commission
/DBME/PMA_PROV03 - Display commission
Detail screen
In standard the detail screen shows general header data (org. data and status information), main vehicle and customer data and in the different tabs, the calculation result, the conditions, the participants, the status history and some administrational data.
Commission maintenance report - commission detail
Because the customer requirements are very different (could be case depending, but also including own customer fields) and the complete screen is based on GUI Framework and the complete content in tab “price/commission” is based on HTML Framework, the final customer solution can look different. To get more details about “screen replacement” see the corresponding chapters of settings (to assign own screens) and also of BAdI enhancements (to handle data of own screens).
If the auto. recalculation for the actual commission type is active and the status of the commission allows changes, the commission calculation will be processed in background during calling the detail screen.
- Available functions:
In addition to the here described detail functionalities, there are also some of the ALV functions (described in chapter before) are available (in case ALV list is toggled on).
Commission maintenance report - ALV function in detail view
E.g. it is also in detail screen mode possible to mark several commissions and process mass status update function.
Function “display / change” (icon in push button line / in menu “commissions”)
Change the processing mode of the commission detail between “change” and “display”, depending on the actual mode.
In case you are in the change mode and select any commission in ALV list via click, it is possible, that you get an error message “operation not allowed” and commission is opened in display mode.
The reason here is, that the actual status (status itself, cancellation flag, deletion flag, …) of the selected commission will not allow any changes and so it could not be opened in change mode.
Function “check object” (icon in push button line / in menu “commissions”)
Process a complete check of the actual commission in detail screen. It checks the data concerning completeness, but also concerning data consistence.
In each case, an information message appears in the status line, e.g. like:
Commission maintenance report - function "check object" messages
Function “other commission” (icon in push button line / in menu “commissions”)
Calls a popup, where user can enter the number of any existing commission. In case the activity is coming out of commission report, the entered commission must not be part of the actual selection / ALV list.
Commission maintenance report - function "other commision" popup
As result the entered commission data is shown in the detail screen.
In case the entered commission number does not exist, a corresponding message appear in the status line.
Function “toggle list on/off” (icon in push button line / in menu “extras”)
With the toggle function, the user can switch off / switch on the shown part of ALV list.
Commission maintenance report - function "toggle list on/off”
The function is only available in commission report processing.
Function “save” (icon in push button line / in menu “commission”)
Save actual commission data. Function is only in change mode useful.
Function “close (icon in push button line / in menu “goto”)
Close the commission detail screen and return to the full size ALV screen.
Function “exit” (icon in push button line / in menu “commission”)
Close the commission detail screen and return to the commission report selection screen.
Function “close” (icon in push button line / in menu “edit”)
Close the commission detail screen and return to the full size ALV screen.
Function “delete” (in menu “commission”)
Sign the current commission as deleted. This function calls the business operation “DELE”, which set the flag “delete” and also set the commission status based on the assignment from settings (business operation / status).
Function “header long text” (icon at screen “Header data” / in menu “edit”)
The function opens a popup, where the user can add / change additional text information (object SAP long text) for a specific commission. The function is also available in case of display mode, but then the text in the popup is not editable.
Commission maintenance report - function "header long text" popup
To ensure that text information is shown also in multi-language countries (e.g. Swiss with DE, FR and IT), the long text information for a commission is always stored in one language. As base for the language, we define the language assigned to the plant from commission.
The long text is sored with following parameters:
- Object: /DBME/P_PR
- ID: 0001 (header long text)
- Language: assigned language from plant
- Name: commission number
Function “redetermine" (in menu “edit”)
The redetermination function is a kind of “refresh commission master data”. Here the user has the possibility to update commission relevant data based on the actual settings / master data. E.g. this could be relevant, if master data during commission creation was wrong - so user can correct the master data and update commission with the corrected master data version.
The function shows a popup, where several redetermination levels are selectable:
- Commission header data→ read the main commission header information from invoice, VSS order and the vehicle, like it is done during commission creation
- Commission participant / pool data → read the actual partner and pool information for the main commission partner
→ there is additional option, to decide if manual created participants in the commission should be hold or should be deleted - Commission condition data → option, to decide if manual created conditions (normally all conditions) in the commission should be hold or should be deleted
- Additional set commission status → additional option to set status immediately during redetermination; also, here status can be set only to allowed status values
Commission maintenance report - function "redetermine" popup
This function is only for active (not deleted, not cancelled and not already transferred commission) possible.
This function is only in change mode available.
Function “change status” (icon at screen “Header data” / in menu “edit”)
Set the actual commission status to a new status. Here the status can be set only to values, which are allowed concerning the status settings – just this values are provided in the popup. In addition, it is possible to enter a comment / info text for the status change.
Commission maintenance report - function "status change" popup
After status change it is necessary to save the commission, before the next status change could be done. If the commission is not saved, the last status change / comment is the relevant change, which is stored in the history. All other changes between will be lost.
The history of all status changes, including their text comments, will be shown in the tab “history”.
Commission maintenance report - function "status change" in register "history"
Here also a corresponding icon shows, if for the single status change, there is a comment available or not.
The status change text is stored as long text with following parameters:
- Object: /DBME/P_PR
- ID: 0005 (status change text)
- Language: assigned language from plant
- Name: commission number + status sequence number + status number
Function “show vehicle” (icon at screen “Vehicle”)
Call the vehicle master application of the corresponding vehicle within the commission.
Function “change condition values” (icon & lines in tab “Conditions”)
This functionality is at the end, a set of functions to create manual conditions, change these condition entries and also delete them again from commission.
Commission maintenance report - function "change condition values" icon
By adding a new condition (icon above ALV), there appears a new line in the ALV and user must choose one of the available price conditions (defined by commission type settings).
Commission maintenance report - function "change condition values" popup
Same conditions could be added several times and each of them are included in the commission value calculation. But there could be also some, where it is technical possible to add them several times, but to do, is somehow “free of space”, e.g. fix value condition. In general, this depends not from technical condition type, but from customer individual definition of condition meaning and calculation logic.
Depending on the maintained master data for condition text entries, the comment text for a single entry is free changeable text (no text entry for condition), automatically filled text (only one text entry for condition) or must be chosen by available list (several text entries for condition).
The condition entry itself, is stored in the own table /DBME/PMA_APCND (not in “standard” price condition table).
As far as the commission allows changes, also the condition entries could be changed directly in the conditions ALV.
To delete an existing condition, mark the corresponding line in conditions ALV and press the icon
.Function “change partner values” (icon & lines in tab “Participants”)
This functionality is at the end, a set of functions to add manual additional commission partner, change these entries and also delete them again from commission.
Commission maintenance report - function "change partner values" icon
By adding a new partner (icon above ALV), there appear a new line in the ALV and user must enter:
→ One of the available partner roles (defined by commission type settings).
Commission maintenance report - function "change partner values" popup
Based on the settings, some partner roles are shown in selection, but because they are defined as unique in the settings, an error message appears. For main partner role of the commission, the unique flag must be active in the settings
Based on the settings, some partner roles are defined as not manual changeable. So, manual adding of such partner roles makes no sense (also if they are offered in the selection), because for such an entry no values can be entered. For main partner role of the commission, the unique flag must be active in the settings.
Irrespective of the settings, the main partner role and pool partner role are defined in commission header and have a special logic. So, it never makes sense to add one of them manually.
→ In addition to the partner role, also the person (HR number) must be entered.
Commission maintenance report - function "change partner values" HR number search
Each combination of partner role and person (HR number) is allowed only once for a commission.
In the VSS standard, there is normal HR search help behind the partner ID field. So, each PERNR within the system can be found / added. If customer does not like this behavior and e.g. will provide here only employees, which are defined in the “commission relevant employee” table for the corresponding plant, the search help has to be extended by search help exit. The Criteria here could be e.g. the transaction code in SYST (to determine, where the request is coming from (standard or commission)) and in example above the data from commission relevant employee. In such a case, there should be in addition a BAdI implementation, checking partner ID’s during commission saving process, to avoid wrong manual entries (without search help)
→ And finally, the corresponding value for this partner, to define which part he should get from total commission value. Here the user can enter a percentage or an absolute value and also mark the entry as commission relevant or not.
Commission maintenance report - function "change partner values" register "participants"
In case percentage and absolute value are entered, the absolute value has priority and percentage will be cleared (= 0).
The total sum of all entered percentage values could not be bigger than 100%, otherwise an error message appears.
The total sum of all absolute values cannot not be bigger than the total commission value, otherwise an error message appears.
Values from manual partner entries has priority and reduce the values from automatic determined partner entries. In general, automatic determined partner entries (main partner / pool partner) are always calculated as percentage (based on master data definition) and their percentage values are always recalculated by change of manual partner entries.
Calculation logic for the automatic determined partner roles:
- Base is the total commission value calculated in formula builder and by the price conditions.
E.g. 2000 EUR - Reduce total commission value by the sum of absolute value from all manual partner entries.
E.g. 2000 EUR – 500 EUR = 1500 EUR - Recalculate percentage of the automatic determined partner roles.
- Reduce 100% by the sum of percentage value from all manual partner entries.
E.g. 100% - 20% = 80% - Split rest of percentage based on the master data definition (which commission hold always in the background, e.g. main partner =60%, pool partner = 40%)
E.g. main partner 60% of 80% = 48%; pool partner 40% of 80% = 32% - Split rest of commission value by the new determined percentage values to the single partner entries.
E.g. main partner 48% of 1500 EUR = 720 EUR, pool partner 32% of 1500 EUR = 480 EUR and manual partner 20% of 1500 EUR = 300 EUR
- Reduce 100% by the sum of percentage value from all manual partner entries.
Commission maintenance report - function "change partner values" calculation example
Clearing the flag “calculation relevant” sets the corresponding partner entry inactive for the calculation and the values are recalculated without these entries.
Commission maintenance report - function "change partner values" flag calculation relevant
→ And in addition, it is optional possible to add a comment for each changeable entry, e.g. why this person should get a part of this provision.
Commission maintenance report - function "change partner values" comment lines
As far as the partner role allows changes, also the person and the value entries could be changed directly in the partner ALV.
To delete an existing partner entry, mark the corresponding line in partner ALV and press the icon . Automatic determined partner entries (main partner / pool partner) cannot be deleted, here only the flag “calculation relevant” can be cleared and so commission value is set to zero.
Several Hyperlinks
In the detail screen, some fields have a special function (by double click).
- SD document (invoice number) (in “header data”)
- Call the corresponding invoice in display mode (T-code VF03).
- Sales document (invoice number) (in tab “administration”)
- Call the corresponding invoice in display mode (T-code VF03).
- Reference document (VSS order number) (in tab “administration”)
- Call the corresponding VSS order in display mode (T-code /DBE/ORDER03).
- Canceled commission number (in tab “administration” / just for cancelation com.)
- Call the corresponding commission in display mode (in actual detail screen).