Time tasks
Time tasks entered in an effort in the FSM mobile app represent CO activity type in SAP ECC/S4.
The form of these tasks differs greatly depending on the customizing for a given company and service order type. The role of a time task can be served by:
activity types defined in /PACG/ECM_SOLAF - Activity types for time tasks (/PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition | Use time tasks’ act. type for conf./CATS)
operation of a service order (/PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition | Generate time task for order operation)
person-referring task (Task for Technician setting in transaction https://proaxia-prod-doc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PFCC/pages/72974378 )
Important customizing transactions
No time task - Service Call doesn’t send time tasks. The message type /PACG/ECM_SERVICECALL_TASK will not be sent to FSM.
Task for technician - tasks are sent only once, with the user data (/PACG/ECM_USERMASTER – User), and they are assigned to a person
https://proaxia-prod-doc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PFCC/pages/2094727169 / https://proaxia-prod-doc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PFCC/pages/37136054
https://proaxia-prod-doc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PFCC/pages/2094727169/PACG+ECM+VSCTD+-+Service+Call+types+definition#Send-activity-types-as-time-tasks (short label TAT active) - Work with CO activity type for time confirmation. Those activity types are sent per order as defined in transaction /PACG/ECM_SOLAF.
/PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition | Generate time task for order operation (short label Send Time Task) - Send order operation as „task” for time effort capturing.
https://proaxia-prod-doc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PFCC/pages/2094727169/PACG+ECM+VSCTD+-+Service+Call+types+definition#Split-conf - Should time efforts be splitted before posting confirmation.
/PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition | Use time tasks’ act. type for conf./CATS (short label Act. Type as TT) - Activity type as time task.
/PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition | No time task for person (short label Not for person) - Do not send time task for person.
/PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition | Oper. pernr not populated to activities (short label No technician) – No update of technician in assignment
/PACG/ECM_SOLAF - Activity types for time tasks
Only activity types between 101 and 102 (for company 8) will be sent to the cloud and can be used there to capture time on a sub task.
/PACG/ECM_CTET - Time Effort Type
CATS active - If set, then time will be booked in CATS.
CATStxt on - If set, then texts from timeffort / worktime are transferred to CATS entries.
Change from - Start date from which the current CATS profile is used for postings.
Entry Profile - Data entry profile for CATS bookings
Release - If set, CATS entries are automatically released.
Past option - options for allow bookings in the past
Future option - The options for allow bookings in the future
Settlm.Rules - If this option selected the CATS Receiver from the Service Orders settlement rule is determined for CATS entry – it may be sales document item, CO order, PSP element, network item.
Fill send cctr - Fills sending cost center in CATS entry from persons cost center assignment in infotype 0001.
Fill rec cctr - Fills receiving cost center in CATS entry from a) Workcenter of service order operation (time effort) b) persons cost center assignment in infotype 0001 (worktime)
ActType PA0315 - Uses individual source Activity Type for time postings from infotype 0315.
Depending on the original activity type, weekday, start and end time, duration from and duration to an activity type and a/a type is determined for posting CATS entry / IW41 from FSM time-effort. When crossing end time, it is automatically split into several postings.
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