Expense posting to trips

Expense posting to trips


For the trip posting to work properly with E4C activities it is necessary to check the ‘HR travel expense’ field in transaction /PACG/ECM_CPROP - General Properties of FSM Cloud Connector .


In transaction /PACG/ECM_ACTI_TYPE - Activity type maintain an activity type ‘TRIP’.


In transaction /PACG/ECM_ACTMAE - Activity code mapping check the ‘Is trip’ field for one activity code per one company.  

Activity subtypes are sent to FSM with transaction /PACG/ECM_ACTSUBTYPE - Activity Subtype.


Maintain a default business partner/customer for activity type ‘TRIP’ in transaction /PACG/ECM_ACTDEV - Activity Default Values (if not set, an error is thrown for an inbound activity idoc). Customer number can be your own company registered as a customer in XD01.


Add a new entry with object type ‘BUS2089’ and Message Type ‘/PACG/ECM_ACTIVITYOUT’ in view /PACG/ECM_VBUOBA.


Expense posting is customised in transaction /PACG/ECM_VEXPNS - Expenses customising -> Expense type definition. Maintain an expense type with ‘Posting to’ set to ‘TRIP’.

Expense types are sent to FSM with transaction /PACG/ECM_EXPENSESND - Expense Type.


Make sure to maintain a kind of expense which would be posted to trip/travel expense list (the last field of the view above).


Trip creation 

To create a new trip, first make sure your user has infotype 0017 – Travel Privileges set in PA30 and master cost center in Organizational Assignment.


In transaction TRIP enter your personnel number and create a new trip. Then approve the trip.


In transaction TP01 create a travel plan for the trip. Then approve the travel plan.


After this a new activity should be generated with travel reason as its subject. The start/end dates are taken from the travel data and business partner is the one defined in transaction /PACG/ECM_ACTDEV.


Expense posted to a trip 

Navigate to the FSM mobile app and add a new expense to the trip-related activity. Make sure the expense type is the one defines as ‘is trip’ in transaction /PACG/ECM_VEXPNS


Save and synchronize the app. Depending on the customizing, an approval of the expense in FSM Time and Material Journal may be needed.


An idoc of type /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_EXPENSE_IN is generated.


 The expense is visible as receipt in transaction PR05 - Travel expense manager.


In case of travel inconsistence use report RPRDETEC to handle wrong DB entries. In case of error during simulation of expense report look at note 944221 (set Adobe as active in table V_T702N_A expert view position 24 for other settlement).

When updating the travel plan’s reason, activity subject is not changed in the outbound idoc, internal remarks added instead.  


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