Outgoing Service (SAP to FSM)
Here we will guide you through the configuration of the service consumer. After completing all the steps you should have a working communication channel from a message broker to SAP. However, it is assumed that you are using a message broker installed in Windows or Linux server and if you are using Message Broker in BTP please check this as there are certain details that must be considered during configuration.
Start with running transaction SOAMANAGER.
Go to Service Administration tab (default tab of SOA Manager so most likely you are there already)
And then to Web Service Configuration
Next - use the available search box to find ‘*pacg*’ objects and select /PACG/CO_ECMISEND_OUTBOUND_MES
Followingly in the ‘Configuration’ tab define ‘Logical Port’ for the consumer proxy
Create logical port for the service consumerPress ‘Create’
From the dropdown select ‘Manual configuration’
Define logical port name, add description and mark the port as default (unless you know that it should not be default). Port’s name and description should be meaningful as usual - there are no further requirements in this area.
Basically, logical port that is defined as default is used for connections in the situations when name of logical port is not explicitly given.
Press ‘Next’ and continue to ‘Consumer security’ screen where in ‘Authentication Settings’ select ‘User ID / Password’. This is exactly the same user and same password that were defined in the message broker configuration file in the 'WebServiceDefinition' section.
Press ‘Next’ and continue to HTTP Settings. Here you must define a web service that you intend connecting to what in this case means the message broker. Start with selecting between ‘Complete URL’ and ‘URL components'. For those who are not particularly familiar with these kind of things we recommend to choose ‘URL Components’ - this should make providing valid information much easier however complete URL follows this simple pattern: [protocol]://[host]:[port][path]
In the HTTPSettings view of SOA Manager there three main sections:
URL Access Path - here, as mentioned above, you must provide information on how to locate a message broker and interesting service.
Protocol - here you decide if you are using secure HTTPS connection or regular HTTP. Your selection must corresponding to what has been defined in message broker configuration - if HTTPS is enabled or not
Host - this is simply an address of a server where your message broker was installed. This can be IP address or domain name. And this is something you have to know.
Port - This is the same port number that is defined in the message broker configuration file
Path - Like above, but it is the UrlPath from the message broker configuration file which must be copied here
For deployment to BTP, please see Outgoing Service (SAP to FSM) - BTP Case.
Proxy - this part, most likely, you should leave empty unless there is a proxy between your SAP system and message broker server although this could impact communication in the opposite direction.
Transport Binding - following values must be set. Usually there are default values and they are already set:
Make Local Call - No Call in Local System
Transport Binding Type - SOAP 1.1
Maximum Wait for WS Consumer - 0
Optimized XML Transfer - None
Compress HTTP Message - Inactive
Compress Response - True
Press ‘Next’ and continue to SOAP Protocol view - here following values must be set and unlike the ‘Transport Binding’ these are not default ones:
Message ID Protocol - Suppress ID Transfer
Data transfer scope - Minimal Data Transfer
Transfer protocol - Transfer via HTTP header
Process Attachments - No
Press ‘Finish’ and job’s done. Now you should be redirected to a view showing the list of created logical ports. Make sure that the ‘State’ of the newly created port is Active - if not, please do select it and 'Activate'
In the ‘View/Change Logical Port’ screen of SOA Manager there is a button saying ‘Ping Web Service’ - please keep in mind that this functionality does not work with Message Broker and always returns error. If you want to check connection from SAP system to Message Broker use dedicated transaction /PACG/ECM_PING_MB
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