FSM Setup for tools

FSM Setup for tools

In order to activate the feature in a given company, the following company setting's value must be set to 'true' - CoreSystems.CoresystemsFSM.Tool.Reservation.Enabled.


The tools functionality can then be enabled under Planning and Dispatching > Settings > Tools.


The following tool reservation settings are available:

Source: https://help.sap.com/viewer/fsm_plan_dispatch/Cloud/en-US/tools-reservation-feature-settings.html


Allows to enable/disable the tool functionality. Once enabled, it will be possible to see tools folder in the activity sidebar and add/remove/cancel tools. Tools will be as well displayed in the Master Data module.

Reserve tool

In Cloud / In ERP: if set to "In Cloud" all the tool reservation will be handled in cloud. If "In ERP" then FSM will first validate if there are no tool reservations and if successful it will pass control to the ERP for the final booking. ERP will respond with a reservation or rejection. This will be persisted and visible on the activity sidebar under tools.

Attempt to book tool when releasing

If an activity has tools in status OPEN or REJECTED, once the activity gets released the system will try to reserve the tools. Note that the activity will be released in any case, also in case some reservation requests will be rejected.

Alert when releasing activity with unreserved tools

In case you want to be notified when releasing in case your activity does not have all added tools as reserved, you can activate this setting.


Once the Tools have been enabled, a new tab is displayed in FSM Master Data.

It's not possible to reserve tools in ERP until another company setting - CoreSystems.CoresystemsFSM.Tool.Reservation.Type is set to 'FSM-ERP' (default value: 'FSM').


To view the tools functionality on mobiles the following permissions are required:


Business Object

Operation Permission

Read, Update



Read, Update



Read, Update



Create, Read, Update, Delete



Create, Read, Update, Delete**



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