Hazard Type (signal word)
Signal word can be manually entered in FSM. It is visible in Activity details selection tab.
FSM DTO Definition: Field Name: hazardType, type HazardType, Allowed values { DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION }
Learn more about Activity DTO v. 37
The data exchange for the following field is enabled:
HAZARDTYPE - optional type of signal word assigned to activity
The field was added and is saved in the database (in table /PACG/ECM_ACTI)
Please note that in the transaction versions delivered in SAP Add On 2105 and above the field Hazard type is available for update/display in FSM Activity transactions: /PACG/ECM_ACTI_VC01, /PACG/ECM_ACTI_VC02 and /PACG/ECM_ACTI_VC013.
After manually updating the Hazard type in FSM, assigning and releasing the activity, the relevant information is transferred to SAP.
New field: HAZARDTYPE was updated with relevant information and is visible in segment /PACG/ECM_IS_ACTIVITY2 of inbound IDoc structure /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_ACTIVITY_IN:
New field was also updated in the outbound IDoc and is visible in segment /PACG/ECM_IS_ACTIVITY2 of IDoc structure /PACG/ECM_ITYPE_ACTIVITY_OUT
The information is visible on SAP side in FSM activity transaction:
In table: /PACG/ECM_ACTI new field has been added and filled with relevant information:
Hazard Type
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