Start Collective Billing

Start Collective Billing

This process enables you to select all open orders that are due for billing, and collect them in one billing document. This is useful for customers who prefer to receive an invoice containing all open (not yet billed) orders at regular intervals.


  • You have generally entered no copy requirements for VSS billing types in Vehicle Sales and Service (especially not for Collective Billing) in Customizing for Sales under Billing > Billing Documents > Maintain Copy Control for Billing Documents > Copy Control: Sales Document to Billing Document. Ensure that the billing quantity for the order quantity is set to C. Although the VSS order can be split, the invoice always considers the full amount. Ensure that the pricing type is set to G.
  • In Customizing for Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) under Order > Specific Processes > Define Collective Billing Indicator, you have defined the order types (control codes) for which collective billing is valid.
  • In Change Customer (transaction /DBE/BP), you have selected one of the values All Orders, Service Orders or Parts Orders via the pushbutton VSS Collective Billing in the field Collective Billing. By doing this, you define customers as relevant to the collective billing process. The system copies the entry from this field into the order header data as default value.


  1. If the orders do not yet exist, you can create them (for example, service, parts, or vehicle orders).

A Collective Billing indicator exists in each split header. Check that the Collective Billing indicator is set in the order. You can also see this in the customer data. If required, you can change the Collective Billing indicator in the order manually, irrespectively of the settings in the customer master.


The Collective Billing indicator in the order takes priority over the indicator in the customer data, in other words, it has a controlling nature for the process (whereas the indicator in the customer master does not).

If the indicator is not set in the order, and partial billing has taken place for the sold-to party, you cannot set the Collective Billing indicator anymore.

2. You post the goods issue or confirm the labor values.


If you split the order, you should also set the Collective Billing indicator to split level.

3. On the SAP Easy Access screen, select Vehicle Sales and Service > Order Processing > Collective Billing (/DBE/COOL_BILLING).

4. On the selection screen Start Collective Billing screen, enter the organizational data, customer data, VSS orders, and order type. You can also set the date when the system should create the billing document. Now select Execute. If you want the system to execute a collective billing overnight, you can schedule a batch job.

5. The system selects the orders that meet the following requirements:

  • Orders that meet the criteria that you entered
  • Orders in whose order header data you have set the Collective Billing indicator
  • Orders that are relevant for billing with regard to their status

It is sufficient if a single job in the order has a status that is relevant for billing.

6. The system shows you an ALV list of the VSS orders you have selected. It contains customers (sold-to party and payer), the invoice type (invoice or credit memo), and other relevant data.


The system only selects the VSS orders that have the Collective Billing indicator set and have the correct status (confirmation of labor values, goods movements of parts). If the system finds an order that is incomplete or has missing data, it skips the order during collective billing, akin to the standard collective billing process.

You can view the system messages that the system generates during collective billings in a log. To do so, select Environment > Display Collective Billing Logs from the Start Collective Billing screen.

7. You can branch to the VSS order and the customer master directly from the VSS Collective Billing screen. There is also a standard ABC analysis that allows you to analyze the net values of invoices. Report /DBE/COLL_BILLING_REORG allows you to redetermine the collective billing index in a certain number range of orders. To avoid problems during processing and to prevent performance problems, no orders in the value range should be open when you execute the report. Do not execute this report during normal office hours.

8. Select the required VSS orders from the list and start the collective billing via Process > Start VSS Collective Processing. The system generates one billing document.

9. You can leave the VSS order and access the Document Flow via Goto > Document Flow. The system displays the billing document.

10. You can print the document directly or by using the print function in the VSS order.


You can use collective billing functions for returns. In this case, you would have to select all the VSS orders involved, create credit memo, and execute collective billing on this.


You cannot use collective billing for internal orders or orders with revaluation. In addition, you cannot cancel billing documents that you created via the collective billing function.


You have created one invoice for more than one order. The system has updated the order statuses.

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