Discount Approval

Discount Approval

This function enables you to set up a discount approval process utilizing the VSS order events and the communication framework, supporting multiple level approvals. 


  • You have activated the BC Set Settings for VSS Discount Approval (/DBE/VSS50_DISCOUNT_APPR).

  • You have maintained the relevant discount condition types in Customizing for Discount Approval. You have made sure that the access sequences for discount condition types are assigned in Customizing for Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) under Order > Basic Functions > Pricing > Discount Approval > Define price conditions > Assign criteria. 

  • You have maintained the necessary approval ID in Customizing for Discount Approval. You have made sure that the discount approvals are created for the required business areas/processes in Customizing for Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) under Order > Basic Functions > Pricing > Discount Approval > Approval ID > Define Approval ID.  

  • You have maintained the determination of the discount approval in Customizing for Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) under Order > Basic Functions > Pricing > Discount Approval > Approval ID > Setup Approval ID determination. 

  • On the SAP Easy Access screen under Vehicle Sales and Service > Master Data > Discount Approval > Approval ID Determination, you have defined the determination of the discount approval ID.

  • On the SAP Easy Access screen under Vehicle Sales and Service > Master Data Master Data > Discount Approval > Define Approval Matrix, you have maintained the approval matrix for discount approvals & users/roles.

  • On the SAP Easy Access screen under Vehicle Sales and Service > Master Data Master Data > Discount Approval > Assign limits, you have assigned the discount limits for the users/roles.

  • You have reviewed the standard task processing for the VSS discount approval /DBE/T004 on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose “Logistics > Logistics Execution > Vehicle Sales and Service > Communication Framework Process Definition > Task Processing”.

  • You have reviewed the standard notification for the VSS Discount Approval Request /DBE/VSS-DIS-APP-REQ in Customizing for Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) under Common Functions > Communication Framework > Notifications > Define notifications.

Process Overview

The discount approval process can be initiated by adding or editing discount in a VSS order.

  1. User Adds a discount on VSS order item.

  2. System validates if the discount type is relevant to the approval process.

  3. If the discount limit exceeds the user threshold, then the system set action DISC_APPR_REQ as completed ‘C’ for the item.

  4. Based on the user level in discount matrix the system will trigger the discount approval task according to the discount hierarchy path optimization which is maintained in the approval ID definition.

  5. A task will be created in the communication framework and assigned to the designated approver (Next approver in the discount approval matrix).

  6. In case of default hierarchy path processing:

  • If the approver has sufficient limit to approve the discount, then the task will be finalized, action DISC_APPR_REQ will be set as open ‘A’ and action DISC_REQ_APP will be set as completed ‘C’.

  • If the discount value exceeds the approver limit, then the approval task will be assigned to the next designated approver.

  • If the approver rejects the discount request, then the task will be finalized, action DISC_APPR_REQ will be set as open ‘A’ and action DISC_REQ_REJ will be set as completed ‘C’. Discount requester can then reduce the discount value and the approval process will be initiated again if the user doesn’t have enough limit or the discount auto approved if user has sufficient limit.

  1. If an item is pending for discount approval and the requester deletes the discount, then the approval task will be reset.

Hierarchy path processing option

Set this field in the approval ID definition to control how approval process goes through approval levels in hierarchy path. You can choose whether approval should always process entire path or should end as soon as given approver's limit suffices discount value. Set this flag if you want to skip approval levels in approval hierarchy, that have limit lower than specific discount value.


  • empty - Default value. Approval process starts with first level and ends as soon as approver's limit suffices discount value.

  • 1 - Optimized path. In this case levels with limit lower than discount value are skipped. Approval request is assigned immediately to approver that can approve discount ultimately. It makes the approval process one-step.

  • 2 - Complete path. Approval process starts with first level and goes through entire hierarchy until last level in the path.

Approved discount tolerance

Set this field in the approval ID definition to skip max difference in discount value in case the discount is approved, and the item value is changed after approval. The value should be maintained as a percentage value of discount amount (for example 0.1000).



  • The discount approval works on the order item level. Please refer to the standard actions DISC_APPR_PROC, DISC_APPR_REQ, DISC_APPR_REV & DISC_REQ_APP, DISC_REQ_PD_CHK & DISC_REQ_REJ if you would like to extend the discount approval functionality to the VSS order header or split. 

  • Action DISC_REQ_PD_CHK is delivered by the standard VSS product with events BILLING_CREATE, PROFORMA_BILLING & SD_COLL_BILL_S2 to validate if there is a discount pending for approval or rejected. You can utilize the same action with different events to stop the VSS order processing for pending or rejected discounts.

  • Email template ID /DBE/CF_NTF_DISC_APR_EMA is delivered by VSS product as a reference for the discount approval request. Please refer to the standard SAP E-Mail template functionality to build custom notification content. 

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