Application “commission maintenance report” - ALV
Application “commission maintenance report” - ALV
Functional Requirements
Entry to the main application of commission management to manage the created commissions.
At the selection screen, the user defines the criteria to reduce the shown commissions, that are relevant for the actual processing case. As result all corresponding commissions are shown with the main / defined information in a single ALV screen. To get more detailed information, a single line can be selected by single click and the commission detail screen appear. In addition, there are several functions available to handle the commissions.
In this chapter, the main selection screen and the ALV screen incl. the available functions are described.
Selection screen:
To get a better usability, the standard selection screen is divided into two separate register.
In the first register, called “Main selection”, you can define the selection criteria for:
- Main commission data at header level
- Commission status data at header level
- Commission partner data at participant level
- Commission vehicle data at header level
And at the second register, called “admin. data”, you can define the selection criteria for:
- Commission creation and last change data at header level)
- Some addition commission parameters at header level)
Commission maintenance report - selection screen areas
Optional, the customer has here the possibility to enhance the selection screen / selection logic by additional fields. To get more details about this enhancement possibilities, please see chapter with BAdI enhancements.
Selection type:
In addition to the standard report variants, the customer can define own “selection types” within the commission report solution.
Commission maintenance report - selection type
One idea behind these selection types, is partially like the report variants. In both cases, some fields of the selection screen could be “pre-filled” with default values.
But the main advantage of such a selection type is, that they can handle more complex “filling logics”. The reason is, that they are handled by corresponding BAdI coding. In addition, also some more settings, e.g. layout of result ALV list, … can be set by BAdI enhancement based on the selection type. To get more details about this enhancement possibilities, please see chapter with BAdI enhancements.
But no advantage, without any disadvantage - comparing variants, the selection types must be defined by IT department (incl. development) and not easily from user, by saving the actual settings like it is for variants.
ALV screen:
As result, the user gets a normal ALV list reporting with all corresponding commissions.
Commission maintenance report - ALV screen
For each commission, the main information on header level is shown in one single line. If relevant, the customer can add own / additional fields.
The title of the list, is a concatenation of report name, the chosen selection type value and the number of selected commissions.
Available functions:
Next to the SAP standard ALV functions , like sort, filter, sum, print, … and the general report standard functions like cancel, back, …, the commission report provides the following additional functionalities:
Function “refresh”
(icon in push button line / in menu “commissions”)Refresh the shown data based on the selection criteria entered, when starting the report. So, commissions can disappear, in case, they have been changed in the meantime, but also some new commissions can be added to the list, because they now fit to the selection criteria.
Function “create manual commission”
(icon in push button line / in menu “commissions”)Calls the screen to create a new commission manually. To get more details, please see chapter with “creating manual commission”.
Function “status mass change” (push button in ALV icon line)
Mark all rows in the ALV, where the status should be changed and press button “set status”.
A popup with all for the selected commission possible status values appears.
Commission maintenance report - ALV mass status change
The popup shows the collection of all possible status values for the marked commissions. To get the list, for each single commission the possible status settings are determined based on the actual status and collect them into the list. So, for some commissions the combinations of actual status and in the popup provided status could be impossible. But the system cehcks this during processing and shows a corresponding message in the update protocol.
Select a status by single click at the status line and if relevant, enter an additional comment.
Comments are added to each single commission status change, which is successful processed.
Commission maintenance report - ALV mass status change log
After status mass change the ALV automatically process the refresh function.
The following commission flags (set by business operations) do not longer allow a status change:
- Deleted
- Canceled
- Posted into HR
Function “change”/ ”display” (entry in menu “commissions”)
In case a single line of the ALV list is marked, these functions call the commission detail screen in change mode / in display mode. In case no line / several lines are marked, an error message appears.
Function “delete” (entry in menu “commissions”)
Mark all rows in the ALV, which should be relevant to delete and select function “delete” in the menu.
Commission maintenance report - ALV mass deletion
Now system show security message, which is to confirm.
Commission maintenance report - ALV mass deletion popup
In case security question is confirmed with “yes”, the business operation “DELE” is processed.
- Commission status is changed to the corresponding status (based on status settings for DELE)
- The flag “deleted” is set in commission header
- When flag deleted is set in commission header, corresponding icon is shown in ALV list
- Show processing protocol
Commission maintenance report - ALV mass deletion log
After mass deletion, the ALV automatically processes the refresh function.
Function “recalculate” (entry in menu “edit”)
Mark all rows in the ALV, which should be recalculated and select function “recalculate” in the menu.
In case the user has the corresponding authority the recalculation for the selected commissions will be processed.
As result the processing protocol is shown.
Commission maintenance report - ALV mass recalculation log
“Hyper Links” (direct in ALV list)
In the ALV list, some fields have a special function. …
- Commission number
- Call the commission detail screen for the corresponding commission.
- Reference document (invoice number)
- Call the corresponding invoice in display mode (T-code VF03).
- Long text icon
- Just appear, in case there is a long text created for the corresponding commission.
- Shows for the corresponding commission a popup with the actual long text in display mode. Details about how to edit a long text / the general text logic see in commission detail functions.