Order search screen

Order search screen

The search screen is divided into three parts:

  • Time-clocking frame (if integration enabled)

  • Search filter

  • Order list


The time-clocking (TIC) frame is always visible at the top of the application. It shows name and status of the logged-in employee and offers function buttons – like check-in, go on break or end order – that depend on the employee status and time-clocking configuration.

In the search filter area the user may provide order- or vehicle-related information to search for a range of or one particular order. A general search field with the possibility to scan barcodes allows quick searching for e.g. a license plate or VIN number.

As soon as the filter is applied, the search result table is updated with all orders in scope of the filter which have already been released. The default view of the order table displays information like order number, description of the first job, VIN and allocation start and end information (if SRS integration is active). Additionally, a time-clocking “Start” button is shown which allows immediate clocking on the order (if TIC is configured for clocking on order level) or first job of the order (if TIC is configured for clocking on job/task level).

Both filter and result table are standard UI5 components with variants or views the user can customize and save as pre-set. This allows personalization and quick access to the desired information.

Selecting a row of the result list navigates to the order detail screen.