PACG 200 SP 5 / S4PACG 200 SP 5
The FSM Cloud Connector component was released on 30th May 2022
FSM Cloud Connector release PACG 200/S4PACG 200 SP5 aligns with SAP FSM release 2205
Post-installation steps
Implement SAP NOTE ‘3207154 - FSM Connector version mismatch’
Adjust authorizations. Following authorization objects were replaced with new ones there for their usage must be adjusted accordingly. ‘Old’ authorization objects were not removed however they are not used at all by Connector any more
Following are only if you installed SAP NOTE 3190772.Z_IDOCCHNG -> /PACG/E002
New authorization object was added /PACG/E001 and limits access to functionality related to failover mechanism
Learn more about the authorization objects in FSM Cloud Connector: Authorization objects - FSM Cloud Connector - Confluence (
Install notes list here
Change Log (SAP NOTE 3208830)
Category | Feature description |
Activity | Access to failed IDOCS from service order or FSM activity level There is a report added in GOS menu of the FSM Activities and Service Orders which shows list of inbound IDocs referencing given activity or order and processing of which failed due to an error Alternative way of handling long texts and remarks New option of handling remarks added to an activity has been added so that the logic corresponds more to the standard logic of SAP ERP of handling long texts on operations Learn more: [OBSOLETE] /PACG/ECM_SCTD – Service Call types definition: Overview and Detail | Complete text Regions' determination The regions determination for the activities can be based now on related operation’s work centre and not only service order header work centre. Learn more: /PACG/ECM_SC_GR – Group/region for service calls/activities | Work center from operation ‘No new operation’ enabled When this option in /PACG/ECM_SCTD gets enabled then activity created in FSM is always linked with first available operation (instead of not being linked at all) Learn more: [OBSOLETE] /PACG/ECM_SCTD – Service Call types definition: Overview and Detail | No new oper. |
Authorizations | New authorization object New authorization object /PACG/E001 was added. Authorization objects renamed Following authorization objects added with previous service pack were renamed:
Business Partner | Handling of remarks added to BP address Remarks added to the business partner address are now stored in a dedicated text object (new configuration option was added in the Connector) which can be then changed and/or displayed in dedicated standard transactions |
Connector Cockpit | Add ‘delete IDoc’ possibility to Idoc report In the FSM Cockpit, in the IDocs report it is now possible to simply delete IDocs. Add ‘Refresh IDocs’ possibility to Idoc report In the FSM Cockpit, in the IDocs report there is a button ‘Refresh’ added - it rereads the IDocs based on current selection Learn more: /PACG/ECM_COCKPIT - FSM Connector Cockpit | Refresh button IDoc status It is now possible to change status of IDocs having status 56 to "processed" Learn more: /PACG/ECM_COCKPIT - FSM Connector Cockpit | Set to processed |
Equipment | Equipment replacement using posting framework The scenario where equipment is replaced with an item during material consumption consists of several steps and each of them ends with a ‘COMMIT’. That’s why it didn’t use to be possible to repeat processing if intermediary steps end with success and the final one fails. E.g. the equipment specified on the material consumption screen can be dismantled (the first step successful) but the new equipment (represented by the serialized material) cannot be installed, because its plant is not maintained (the second step fails). For that reason, the current logic was replaced with posting framework implementation giving users the possibility to start processing of failed process exactly from the point where problem occurred leaving completed steps unchanged. |
FSM Connector (general) | Information about the message broker version In addition to FSM Connector version, it is now also possible to display Message Broker version using SAP /PACG/ECM_VERSION transaction. In addition there is also separate transaction added showing a message broker version only Learn more: /PACG/ECM_VERSION - Show FSM Connector's Version Class assignment config - navigation Class assignment config got enhanced and it is now possible to jump directly to assigned classes directly from within detail view Learn more: /PACG/ECM_CLSASSIGIN - FSM Connector's Incoming Messages Configuration Class assignment config - descriptions In the class assignment config of inbound messages description of following option got changed: Class assignment config - adding new classes In order to use new customer classes in the assignment customising it is no longer necessary to predefine them with following transactions:
All above transaction are from now on deprecated and no longer visible in the FSM Connector menu Extend the email queue alert program with failed IDoc alerts Program /PACG/ECM_QSTATUS - Email queue issues could be extended in such a way that it also generates emails with a summary of failed IDocs. Learn more: /PACG/ECM_QSTATUS - Email notification report for Connector Monitoring | IDOCs in error status Expiration date for logs Expiration date for FSM Connector logs is always set to a date which is 30 days ahead from the date when log was created |
Items | Send item data to FSM after each goods movement To trigger stock update in FSM after a goods movement, consultants no longer need to enable it for each and every movement type (transaction /PACG/ECM_IWLON, field ‘Send stock level’). To reduce customizing efforts, consultants can now activate stock update (i.e. trigger item sending) for all movement types in a company with just one checkbox - field ‘Item after each’ in transaction /PACG/ECM_WHRQUANT. Learn more: /PACG/ECM_WRHQUANT - Quantities to send | Item after each |
Message Broker | Message Broker – failover mechanism The newest Connector release together with the newest Message Broker (version 3.4) allows automatically switching between message broker instances in case the currently active stopped responding Learn more: Message Broker Failover |
Personal reservation | Colours of personal reservation Colours of personal reservation types can be defined in the FSM Connector Learn more: /PACG/ECM_T554S - Att./Abs. types for Person reservations | Color (S4)PACG 200 SP05 |
Reserved Materials | Determine logic related to Arrival date of Reserved Material In the previous Connector release we delivered a BADI with which users could implement their own logic determining arrival date of reserved materials to customers’ site. With the newest Connector release we deliver standard logic for arrival date determination depending on the process type. Learn more: Arrival date Sync service orders' reserved materials with FSM New report was added in the latest Connector release. It allows synchronization of reserved materials with FSM after Connector installation. Learn more: /PACG/ECM_SYNC_ARMAT - Sync reserved materials with FSM Handling of component’s operation reassignment In SAP S/4 HANA and ECC systems (SAP NOTE 2551409 must be installed) component's operation can be modified after component's creation. Component reassignment is now handled by FSM Cloud Connector and reflected in SAP FSM reserved materials (created on activity level). Learn more: Component's operation reassignment Reserved material quantities subtracted from the unrestricted stock By default, unrestricted quantity is sent as stock/batch quantity. This may lead to issues, if reserved materials are used and unplanned consumption is allowed. Technicians during unplanned consumption can use pieces of material which are considered reserved. It is now possible to send material’s stock with subtracted reserved quantities. It is customized using a new field - 'Stock calc rule' - in transaction /PACG/ECM_ICONF. When ‘Unrestricted use minus reservations’ is selected, reservations will be subtracted when calculating item’s stock quantity. For batch quantity, quantities from all the reservations where the material, the specific storage location and plant are used will be subtracted from the available stock. This will prevent technicians from consuming reserved quantities. Stock/non-stock distinction for reserved materials in FSM It is possible to differentiate between stock and non-stock materials in SAP FSM. This applies to materials which were not yet shipped (process type ‘R’ in table /PACG/ECM_ARMAT). Learn more: |
Service orders | Set Service Order User Status on unprocessed IDOCs This functionality allows setting defined user’s status on service order header if processing of the related inbound IDOCs failed. It gives then customers a possibility to find in an easy and even automated way service orders for which inbound, unprocessed documents exist Access to dedicated IDOCS from service order or FSM activity level There is a report added in GOS menu of the FSM Activities and Service Orders which shows list of inbound IDocs referencing given activity or order and processing of which failed due to an error Service product determination When service order is created from the FSM it is now possible to determine a ‘service product’ based on a new customising Learn more: Planning plant and planner group determination in the service order based on the equipment When service order is created from FSM and the default plant was not set this can be determined based on the used equipment Obsolete fields removed from /PACG/ECM_SCTD Obsolete fields:
got removed from configuration view, in transaction /PACG/ECM_SCTD Send to FSM only relevant orders Only such orders are sent to FSM for which also FSM activities can be sent |
Time efforts | Time efforts updated in SAP FSM update the related documents (CATS/confirmation) This new functionality, if enabled, allows users to update already posted time entries is the ECC/S4 system if time effort entries get changed in FSM Learn more: Time task activity type range can be customized on service order level Order type-dependent filtering is now possible in the activity type range customizing for time tasks (transaction /PACG/ECM_SOLAF). The filtering is relevant for the following time task generation approach: If activity types are determined for time task for technicians (, only entries with blank order type will be selected. Learn more: |
Time efforts / Mileages / Expenses / Materials | Re-send time effort/mileage/expense/material back to technician for correction if the object’s processing in SAP fails If inbound time effort/mileage/expense/material processing fails and a specified log message can be found, the objects can be resent to FSM in such a way that they will appear on the mobile app as requiring technician’s change. The message from the log will be displayed as rejection comment. This is an automated equivalent of manual rejection (‘request change’) of an object in the Time&Material Journal. Learn more: |
Transactions | List of new transactions:
Users/Employees | Sync EmployeePosition from SAP to FSM New object handling got added to the Connector. Now in addition to departments, also employees’ positions can be sent from SAP to FSM Only FSM related employees are sent to FSM When fullsync is triggered and employees records are sent to FSM only these are taken into account which are FSM relevant - either they have corresponding ERP user defined or should be considered as FSM users themselves |
WBS | Link WBS element to a worktime task New FSM Connector makes it possible to created work time tasks in reference to WBS elements and not only service orders like it used to be before. |
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