Person Address

Person Address

Person address is sent to the cloud during sending users to FSM, it is possible to customize same settings for all users or change address source for each user. In FSM Person has 3 address types:

  • Home Address

  • Work Address

  • Other Address

In transaction /PACG/ECM_DEFADR it is possible to maintain person default address type on company level.

In field “Address Type” user can choose FSM Address Type then it is necessary to define SAP Address subtype. (Please be aware that this subtype needs to be maintained in transaction PA30 infotype 0006)


Field “Address Source” has 3 options:

  • None (Address source should be taken from HR infotype 0006 in transaction PA30)

  • Ship To Address (user address source will be taken from customer assigned consigment stock in transaction /PACG/ECM_WRHKU)

  • Personnal Area Address (User address source is taken from assigned to user personnal area hr infotype 0001)

Detailed information about address source field: /PACG/ECM_DEFADR - Company addresses


In transaction /PACG/ECM_MAINT_USER it is possible to maintain same data but for individual user.


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