Activity Address

Activity Address

Activity address source can be maintained in transaction /PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition, field Activity Address.



Determination of source of addresses depends on configuration. Depending on user’s choice, the program can look only for one source of address or try to find address in a few masterdata objects.

  1. No address - no address will be sent with activity to FSM Cloud. The address can still be inherited from other objects in FSM. Learn more about FSM’s address resolution rules: https://help.sap.com/docs/SAP_FIELD_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT/fsm_plan_dispatch/address-resolution-logic.html?q=address%20resolution

  2. Equipment address has piority - address for activity will be not sent from ERP, FSM will add activity address based on assigned to activity equipment. Learn more about FSM’s address resolution rules: https://help.sap.com/docs/SAP_FIELD_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT/fsm_plan_dispatch/address-resolution-logic.html?q=address%20resolution

  3. Service Call address has piority - address for activity will be taken from service call header tab “order address”

  4. SwO Ship-To, EQ addr., EQ Ship-To, EQ Sold- To - As address for activity connector will look for Service Order Ship-To partner data. If there will be no address there then next program will search for Equipment Address in Equipment header. If its will be not possible to find both of addresses then program will search for Equipment Ship To Partner (assigned to EQ in IE02). In the end when previous addresses were not available then program will look for Equipment Sold To Party Partner (assigned to EQ in IE02)

  5. Ship-To order, Sold-To order - Source of activity address will be partner Ship-To assigned to service call, if this address from partner will be not available then connector will search for assigned to service call Sold-To partner

  6. Funct. Loc. addr., EQ addr., SwO Ship-To - activity address source should be functional location address and if it is not available then equipment address. In case when both of address are not knowable then address of activity will be taken from Service Order Ship to Party partner role.

  7. EQ addr., Funct. Loc. addr., SwO Ship To - same like above but in different order first equipment address then functional location and in the end Ship to partner role for service order

  8. Service Order Address Determination - in that case program will check settings from transaction /PACG/ECM_SOAD – Service Order Address Determination and will take address based on customizing from there.

Please note that starting from Release 2111 it is possible to maintain custom activity addresses both in FSM and in transaction Change FSM Activity in tab - Addresses. The new activities created in SAP will be sent to FSM with an address determined based on existing logic but it will be possible to change the address and its source later on.

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