Create Equipment / Functional Location in FSM
It is possible to create/change equipment and functional locations in FSM. For both of objects customization must meet the basic requirements.
ERP Object ID must be created for EQUIPMENT in transaction /PACG/ECM_EOAS and then assigned to Plant in transaction /PACG/ECM_PLAS
2. Before creating Equipment in FSM it is necessary to maintain settings in transaction /PACG/ECM_EQ1
Especially fields related to equipment/functional location name rules and allowed objects.
More information /PACG/ECM_EQ1 - Equipment Settings
3. There is no standard implementation for creation of functional location and it relies on the BADI that needs to be implemented. Create BADI implementation for BADI Definition: /PACG/ECM_CREATE_EQUI in Method PREPARE_FLOC
You can decide to install the new equipment in another equipment or functional location, entered in field ‘Parent’.
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