FSM Cloud Connector-specific attachment setup
The following steps should be performed as part of FSM Cloud Connector-specific attachment setup process:
Step 1 - Basic prerequisites
Standard SAP setup
Before proceeding, make sure that attachments of a specific storage type (GOS/BDS/DMS) can be manually added in SAP ECC/S4, as described on the following page: Standard SAP attachment setup and creation
FSM Cloud Connector version
The steps described in this document, including the most important transaction - /PACG/ECM_CUST_ATTA - Inbound / Outbound Attachment Configuration - are available for FSM Cloud Connector add-on 200 (/internal version 1.4.0100 and higher). Due to additional enhancements, it is recommended that the latest available service pack be used. Information about the newest FSM Cloud Connector versions and their release notes can be found on the following page: Releases. Pay close attention to all the attached post-installation steps documents (e.g. Post-installation steps for UPGRADE TO (S4)PACG 200).
It must be emphasized that the new attachment handling mechanism is significantly distinct from the one available in older FSM Cloud Connector versions. BAdIs implemented for the older attachment handling logic or any local extensions are not supported in this approach. The BAdIs should be reimplemented using new BAdI definitions, dedicated to the new attachment handling mechanism (see: Technical diagrams and BAdI definitions | Attachments).
E.g. a BAdI for additional reference setting - /PACG/ECM_ATTCHM_ADD_REF - is not available in the new inbound attachment class /PACG/ECM_CL_S_IDOC_I_ATTCHM2. The new options in transaction /PACG/ECM_ACTIVE –General Properties of E4C Activity can be used instead (see: FSM Cloud Connector-specific attachment setup | An optional step Attachment inheriting customizing).
Running the Setup program
After each FSM Cloud Connector update, run the FSM Cloud Connector setup program (/PACG/ECM_SETUP - FSM Connector's Setup). Make sure to include the options below:
The setup program configures basic parameters, which partially used to be customized by now obsolete transactions. The ‘Cloud Message to DMS object configuration’ table (see: Cloud message to SAP object configuration) is also updated by the setup program.
Inbound/outbound class assignment
Make sure that in transaction /PACG/ECM_CLSASSIGIN -FSM Connector's Incoming Messages Configuration class /PACG/ECM_CL_S_IDOC_I_ATTCHM2 is set as inbound data creat. class for messages /PACG/ECM_ATTCHMIN and /PACG/ECM_SIGNATURE:
Make sure that in transaction /PACG/ECM_CLSASSIG - E4C Outgoing Messages Configuration class /PACG/ECM_CL_S_IDOC_O_ATTCHM2 is set as IDOC class for message /PACG/ECM_ATTCHMOUT:
Step 2 - Enable attachment sending for specific objects
Attachments added to specific objects in SAP ECC/S4 will be transferred to SAP FSM only if they are enabled in dedicated transactions.
Equipment/functional location
Field ‘Send attachment’ in transaction /PACG/ECM_EQ1 - Equipment Settings
Service call
Field 'Transfer SAP attachments to FSM' (short label ‘Send attachment’) in transaction:
/PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition - for standard service calls
/PACG/ECM_VWBS - WBS (Service Call) - Definition- for WBS-originated service calls
/PACG/ECM_VSCTDO - Service call types definition (NW) - for network oder-originated service calls
Attachments for service notification-originated service calls (transaction /PACG/ECM_VSCTDQ - Service call types (SN) definition are currently not fully supported.
Field ‘Send attachment’ in transaction /PACG/ECM_ITYPE - Material Group and Company Assignment
Purchase order
Field ‘Send attachment’ in transaction /PACG/ECM_BSART - Properties FSM Purchase order type
Customer (Business Partner of type Customer)
(S4)PACG 200 SP04
Field ‘Send attachment’ in transaction /PACG/ECM_CCUST -General customizing for Customer
Vendor (Business Partner of type Supplier)
(S4)PACG 200 SP04
Field ‘Send attachment’ in transaction /PACG/ECM_CVEND –Vendor – General customizing
Step 3 - FSM Cloud Connector attachment configuration center
Transaction /PACG/ECM_CUST_ATTA - Inbound / Outbound Attachment Configuration serves as FSM Cloud Connector attachment configuration center. Use it to determine how inbound attachments should be stored, which attachments should be blocked from transfer to SAP FSM or customize properties of newly created DMS documents.
Navigate to the transaction’s documentation page: /PACG/ECM_CUST_ATTA - Inbound / Outbound Attachment Configuration. In case of using DMS or BDS solution, pay close attention to the DMS configuration and BDS configuration nodes.
Step 4 - Attachment size configuration
Navigate to the following page to learn more: Attachment size configuration - FSM Cloud Connector - Confluence (atlassian.net)
An optional step - Attachment inheriting customizing
Attachments added to a service order/service notification/equipment/functional location can be inherited by related activities. Attachments added to activities in SAP FSM can be inherited by related service order/service notification/equipment/functional location. These features are enabled using the following fields in transaction /PACG/ECM_ACTIVE - General Properties of FSM Activity:
Learn more about these features on the transaction’s documentation page: /PACG/ECM_ACTIVE - General Properties of FSM Activity
Obsolete customizing
The following customizing fields and transactions are considered obsolete:
All transactions in folder DMS / ArchiveLink (obsolete)
Field ‘Max Attachment size’ in transaction /PACG/ECM_COMP - Company definition
Fields ‘DMS active’, ‘Archive link’, ‘Allow atta deletion’ in transaction /PACG/ECM_CPROP - General Properties of FSM Connector
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