Update contract status if the end date termination date is reached

Update contract status if the end date termination date is reached

Feature can automatically update statuses of service contracts in FSM. Contract is out of date when date in field VEDA-VBEDKUE (Date of canc.doc.) or VEDA-VDEMDAT (Dismantling date) from transaction va42 is lesser than current date in system.


Before using the tool for the first time user has to fill in table /PACG/ECM_SCNTTD by running program /PACG/ECM_FILL_SCNTTD. After executed, program will send every service contract to the table. During processing nobody can edit these documents. It is recommended to run program in background.

Initial program /PACG/ECM_FILL_SCNTTD


The second step is execute program /PACG/ECM_SYNC_SERVCON which should be set up as periodical background job. The clue of program is checking table /PACG/ECM_SCNTTD for already ended contracts and send Idocs with selected contract. During Idocs processing a proper status will be determined and placed in the Idoc segment in the field STATUS.


Contract with reached termination date will be deleted from table /PACG/ECM_SCNTTD after sending Idoc with Status = ‘COMPLETED’

By default, the field Date of canc.doc. is considered as a value which determinate end of contract. New added customizing can change termination for Dismantling date. This setting is placed in transaction /PACG/ECM_SCON, when checkbox is marked on field ‘Termination - Take from Dismantling date’ then Dismantling date has priority as time of ending contract.


After correctly sending Idocs, status for service contract should be changed to Completed in FSM:


In FSM there are 2 types of date: Completion Time and Termination Date:


Another additional settings in transaction /PACG/ECM_SCON is StatBasDat (Status Base Date). This option is responsible for selecting which date should be taken into consideration. Customizing allows to choose 3 options: Completion Type, Termination Date and Earliest date.


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