Mapping Values
Several settings or lookup values needs to be mapped to ensure a synchronized and similar data representation between both applications. The lookup values are created and maintained in VSS as the source application. The mapping will take place in DSW using the administrator account.
Before mapping the lookup values, you must ensure the following:
Technical connection has been established between VSS and DSW
The relevant lookup values have been created or maintained in VSS
The following are the list of lookup values in scope of this integration:
No. | Name | Description | Source in VSS |
AcademicTitle | Academic title and description | TSAD2-TITLE_KEY | |
2. | Language | Language id and description | T002-SPRAS |
3. | Country | Country id and description | T005-LAND1 |
4. | Make | Make id and description | /DBE/C_VEH_MAKE-V_MAKE |
5. | Currency | Currency id and description | CURC-WAERS |
6. | Profession | Profession id and description | TB028-BEZ30 |
7. | VatGroup | VAT Group and description | TSKD-TAXKD and TSKM-TAXKM |
8. | PaymentMethod | Payment method and description | /DBE/T_PAYTYPE_V-PAYMENT_TYPE |
9. | Gender | Gender id and description | T522G-GESCH |
10. | MaritalStatus | Marital status id and description | TB027-MARST |
11. | PriceList | Price list id and description | T189-PLTYP |
12. | PaymentTerms | Payment terms and description | V_T052-ZTERM |
13. | VehicleExteriorColorGroup | Vehicle exterior colour group and description | /DBE/V_GEN_OPT-GEN_OPT where GO_GROUP = "ECOLO" |
14. | VehicleInteriorTypeGroup | Vehicle interior type group and description | /DBE/V_GEN_OPT-GEN_OPT where GO_GROUP = "ICOLO" |
15. | OptionFamily | Option family id and description | /DBE/V_OPTYPE-OPCLASS |
16. | VehicleFuelType | Fuel type id and description | /DBE/V_FLTYPE-ENGFUEL |
17. | VehicleType | Vehicle type id and description | /DBE/V_CLASS-VCLASS |
18. | VehicleBodyStyle | Vehicle Body style id and description | /DBE/V_BODY-BODTYPE |
19. | VehicleGearType | Vehicle gear type id and description | /DBE/V_GEN_OPT-GEN_OPT where GO_GROUP = "GBOXT" |
20. | VehicleEmissionClass | Emission Class and description | /DBE/V_ENVICLAS-ENVICLASS |
21. | VehicleEmissionSticker | Emission Sticker and description | /DBE/V_EFFICLAS-EFFICLAS |
22. | VehicleAvailabilityStatus | Vehicle availability status and description | CVLC10-AVAIL |
23. | VehicleStatus | Vehicle status and description | /DBE/V_V_BUSTYPE-BUSTYPE |
24. | VehicleClassificationStatus | VehicleClassificationStatus and description | /DBE/V_V_BUSTYPE-BUSTYPE |
25. | VehicleFamily | Vehicle family and description | /DBE/V_MODEL-MODLINE |
26. | IndustrialSector | Industrial Sector / Customer group and description | T151-KDGRP |
27. | ItemGroup | Item group and description | /DBE/VS_S_IGRP-ITGRP |
28. | Company | Company and description | T001-BUKRS |
29. | Branch | Branch and description | T001W-WERKS |
30. | DocumentStatus | Document status and description | /DBE/OE_HSTAT-HSTAT |
31. | SalesPerson | Salesperson and description | P0001-PERNR |
32. | User | VSS User ID and description | USR02-BNAME |
33. | Cost Center | Cost Center and description | TVTW-VTWEG |
Refer below steps to perform the mapping of the lookup values:
Login from DSW tenant using a system administrator or a manager user id.
Go to the mapping application.
Select the object type to be mapped.
Select the relevant mapping values.