Sales Campaign

Sales Campaign


Sales campaign used to be driven either by the OEM/Manufacturer or Dealers. OEMs/Manufacturers on
a timely manner depends on the Market use to launch sales campaigns to boost the sales. Incentives are submitted in a pdf or excel format through email to the Dealers which includes the campaign program, conditions as well as the effective dates.


Before sending sales campaign to DSW, you must ensure the following:

  1. Technical connection has been established between VSS and DSW

  2. Sales incentives (Master Data + Pricing) are created in DSW, only authorized users (role-/right depending) should be able to maintain the Sales Incentives.

  3. Sales Admin/Manager creates sales campaign in VSS master data, only authorized users (role-/right depending) should be able to maintain the Sales Campaigns.

  4. Control values for sales campaign have been configured in VSS (Customizing under Vehicle Sales & Services > Vehicle Sales > Integration with VSS Order > Digital Sales Workplace (DSW) > Control Values for Sales Campaign)


  1. Integration points for sales campaign are Vehicle API & Sales Document API.

  2. Sales incentive in DSW represents the sales campaign in VSS and must have the same ID.

  3. VSS can support up to three sales campaigns in parallel.

  4. Sales campaign can be assigned to vehicles via action QCMP (Assign Sales Campaign (VSS)).

  5. Sales campaign can be unassigned from vehicles via action QDCM (Unassign Sales Campaign (VSS)).


  1. For vehicle stock, sales campaign will be assigned to vehicles in VSS, and the updates will be sent to DSW via vehicle API.

  2. Sales consultant creates an offer/contract in DSW, sales incentive can be added automatically
    or manually.

  3. Pricing simulation is triggered, VSS will simulate the pricing including the sales campaign conditions and taking into consideration the sales campaign ID which is assigned to the document item and the maintained condition record.

  4. Offer/Order is created in DSW, a sales quotation/order will be created automatically in VSS, and campaign ID’s will be assigned to each corresponding quotation/order item.

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