Maintain Employee and Pool

Maintain Employee and Pool

Maintain Employee and Pool


Definition of commission relevant employee within the commission processing.

Not all employee of a company should get a commission based salary e.g. they have a defined fix salary and so, they should not get additional commission. And so it is necessary to announce the commission relevant employees to the system.
During commission creation, the standard logic checks the main partner role (e.g. sales man) again the settings done within this employee maintenance and decide, if a commission is created in initial status (e.g. new) or in denied status (e.g. not relevant for HR).

Additionally, here we have the possibility to build a so called “pool”.
A pool is a group of employees participating of each commission of a main employee of the group. The complete commission value in such a pool case is distributed to all employees of the pool based on defined percentages.

  • Selection screen

Maintain employee and pool - entry screen

Normally you choose here the corresponding plant for definition of relevant employees.

If in some cases the employee could work for several (all) plants, you can also define them “without plant assignment”.

If you just want to handle a single / a reduced group of employees, you also can enter here directly their personel number(s).

In addition, there is the information functionality called by the icon . Pressing the icon, an ALV list with all maintained employee is displayed, depending on the corresponding selection criteria:

  • No selection criteria are entered → show all entries from table /DBME/PMA_APERN
  • Only Plant is entered → show all entries from table /DBME/PMA_APERN where the plant is equal to selection
  • Flag “without plant” is active → show all entries from table /DBME/PMA_APERN where the plant is empty
  • One PERNR is entered → show all entries from table /DBME/PMA_APERN where the PERNR is equal
  • One PERNR and plant is entered → show all entries from table /DBME/PMA_APERN where the PERNR and plant is equal

 If no corresponding entry was found, empty ALV list is shown.

  • Employee maintenance

Maintain employee and pool - employee assignment

The list shows all already assigned employees and their validation (concerning criteria at the selection screen). In addition, you see if an employee is assigned to a pool or not.

  • To add new employee, press icon or  and enter personal number and validity dates
  • To remove an employee, mark the corresponding line and press icon 
  • To duplicate an existing employee, mark the corresponding line and press icon 
  • All other icons are standard ALV functions like sort, search, filter, etc.
  • If you want to change to the general pool screen, press icon in the header function list 
  • If you want to change to a specific pool, press icon  in the corresponding employee line
  • If you want to check consistence of the actual data, press icon in the header function list; here are some general checks processed, like:
    • All pools must have a total of 100%
    • Validity of a single employee should not be shorter, than validity of a pool he is assigned to
    • Only employees can be assigned to a pool, that are also in the list of relevant employees

  • Pool functions – pool definition

Maintain employee and pool - pool overview

The list shows the general view all already created pools and their validity periods. In addition, the number of assigned employees and the pool status (ok / not ok) is shown.

In case you enter the pool screen for a special employee, only the pools are show, where the employee is assigned.

The pool definition (left side ALV) and the pool employee assignment (right side ALV) are together at the same screen.

  • To add a new pool, press icon and enter pool description and validity period dates
  • To change existing pool values, mark corresponding line and press icon 
  • To remove a pool, mark the corresponding line and press icon 
  • To duplicate an existing pool, make the corresponding line and press icon 
  • All other icons are standard ALV functions like sort, search, filter, etc.
  • If you want to check consistence of the actual data, press icon in the header function list (similar functionality like in employee maintenance)

  • Pool functions – pool employee assignment

Maintain employee and pool - employee pool assignment

The list shows all assigned employees concerning the selected pools (depends on how you enter to pool view).

The pool definition (left side ALV) and the pool employee assignment (right side ALV) are together at the same screen.

  • To add new employee, press icon  or and enter personal number and percentage; take case that total of percentage over all assigned employee must be 100% (per pool)
  • To remove an employee, mark the corresponding line and press icon 
  • To duplicate an existing employee, mark the corresponding line and press icon 
  • All other icons are standard ALV functions like sort, search, filter, etc.
  • If you want to check consistence of the actual data, press icon  in the header function list (similar functionality like in employee maintenance)

Authority check

  • Authority object “/DBME/P_PE” for activity and plant