Creating manual commission

Creating manual commission

Creating manual commission

Functional Requirements

To create a manual commission, there are two possibilities – by separate transaction “create commission” or out of the commission report ALV list (via icon  ). In both cases the user gets the same screen to enter the manual commission data.

Create manual commission - creation screen

When all relevant values are entered and confirmed with ENTER, a new commission without connection to a source document is created.

Comparing to the creation out of a source document, there is no check, if such a commission already exists. So theoretically, you can create the same manual commission several times – if you like to do .

During the processing also all defined values of the settings are stored in the corresponding commission tables. Also some admin stuff like created by, creation date, etc. are stored.

Create manual commission - detail screen

The commission date here also (like in source document based commission) will be the creation date of the commission. But this date is not so relevant in a normal manual created commission, because you usually create to set it with a fix commission value (not a calculated value).

The entered values from creation screen, you will find initial in the register / table “conditions”.

Create manual commission - register “conditions”

The definition which conditions are shown at the creation screen and which price conditions are used to store them in the commission condition table is done by the customizing / settings of commission type definition.

Example 1 – one value:                                                 Example 2 – two values:


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Create manual commission - steering of available conditions at creation screen

Also during the creation, the partner verification and determination is done. The logic here is like the source document based commission creation.

Create manual commission - register “participants”

When all data of the commission are determined, finally the calculation in formula builder is called - okay, normally not so interesting in case of manual commission with fixed value and the result is returned to the commission calculation table and shown in tab / register “price/commission”.

Create manual commission - register “price/commission”