Hierarchy Assignment

Hierarchy Assignment

This application is a part of master data management. The main functionality of this application is to assign the resources to the hierarchy.

On the left side we can see the hierarchy and on the right side list of resources.

Options that are available in hierarchy:

Create assignment

Assignment can be created in two ways:

  • Using drag & drop functionality or
Hierarchy - create assignment (1)

  • By clicking on the button “assign” on the left side of the screen:
Hierarchy - create assignment (2)

Assignment is created within selected timeframes:

Hierarchy - create assignment (3)

Pop-up informs that the assignment has been created:

Hierarchy - create assignment (4)

Edit assignment

Anytime the assignment can be modified.

Hierarchy - edit assignment (1)

Pop-up informs us that the assignment was changed.

Hierarchy - edit assignment (2)

Delete assignment

Assignment can be deleted at any time.

Hierarchy - delete assignment (1)

User has to confirm such an action.

Hierarchy - delete assignment (2)

Pop-up informs us that the assignment was deleted.

Hierarchy -delete assignment (3)

Expand/ Collapse hierarchy

You can easily expand and collapse the hierarchy tree:

Expand hierarchy
Collapse hierarchy

Select date

By clicking on the calendar icon you can easily change the day on which the hierarchy has to be checked/ modified. New date can be chosen from calendar.

Hierarchy - select date (1)


Filter functionality is available within the application.

Hierarchy - add filter

Search functionality is available within the application.

Display resource assignments

If needed the user can display resource assignments using left-click on resource.

After choosing this functionality it is also possible to delete resource assignments.

Hierarchy - display resource assignment (1)
Hierarchy - display resource assignment (2)

Change image

Only few steps need to be done if user wants to change a photo of resource. Right clicking on proper resource and choosing “edit image” option, will transfer user to the last stage. By clicking “browse” it’s possible to choose a new photo.

Hierarchy – Editing of image
Hierarchy – Choosing a new photo
Hierarchy – Inserting a new photo

Create new resource

If user wants to add new resource, he needs to click on “+” button located in top right corner of hierarchy assignment tab.

Hierarchy - creating resource button

Afterwards user fill data in opened window. For example:

Hierarchy - creating resource tab

Then user click button “ok” if everything is correct or “cancel” if something is wrong.

Assign resources to team

Assignments can be created in ways:

  • Using drag & drop functionality or

Hierarchy - Create team assignment (1)

Hierarchy - Create team assignment (2)

  • By clicking on the button “assign” on the left side of the screen:

Hierarchy - Create team assignment (3)

The assignment is created within selected timeframes:

Hierarchy - Create team assignment (4)

A pop-up informs that the assignment (team relation) has been created:

Hierarchy - Create team assignment (5)

Edit Team

Users can maintain the team effort relevance %, incentive %, the allocation profile-person, and the validity date of resource assignments.

This can be done by right-clicking on the team and selecting Edit Team from the context menu.

Hierarchy – Edit  team (1)

Hierarchy - Edit team (2)

Jump into other apps

Hierarchy - jump to another app