MSA- Vehicle specific information

MSA- Vehicle specific information

Vehicle specific information

Functional details

Vehicle Details screen shows Vehicle specific information. There is a set of default values (highlighted in orange in the screenshot) and optional values (highlighted in blue) which can be activated with parameters. Furthermore, the screen can be enhanced trough so called customer defined fields and relevant BAdI implementation (marked red on the screenshot below).

Below a list of relevant parameters used in the screen:


Also, Customizing Node "Field Status", can influence the fields on this screen.

Vehicle Detail Screen


MSA by standard supports VSS Warranty function, meaning that if the backend is configured and maintained to store warranty info in the tables, these are going to be visible in the application.

Warranty information can be derived either directly from SAP warranty object or via separate WebService /DBME//M01/DBME/MI0_S_WS01_WTY_GET_LIST and customer specific BAdI implementation.

Warranty is read in background if parameter WTY_READ_BACKGROUND is set to true.

Icons are going to be visible in the application. Be aware: the icons are fixed and leading table of it is

/DBME/MMA_CICON. The table values that have to be populated on Customer`s installation can be found in the Master Data Chapter.

Warranty Popover

Deferred Jobs

If a vehicle has deferred jobs created in a precedent order, those are going to be displayed under the Deferred Menu in the MSA. A user may thick the icon in the Menu and doing so a job would be created.

Deferred Jobs popover


MSA as default for Recall is using SAP Recall which can be created using the standard WTYRCL Transaction code. When a recall is created and saved into the backend, this would be available as in the App and a job can be created out of it. In case the customer is not using the SAP standard for recalls, a BAdI (/DBME/MD8_ES_MODIFICATIONS) can be implemented with custom logics.

Recalls can be also derived using separate web service /DBME/M01/DBME/MI0_S_WS01_RCL_GET_LIST when parameter RCL_READ_BACKGROUND is set to true.

Recalls popover

Technical information

Vehicle Screen: if for any reasons you need to check MSA logics regarding vehicle info, a good starting point could be method GET_VEH_BY_ORD in BAdI /DBME/MMA_IF_E_ORDER

Service Contracts

MSA supports standard VSS Service Contract processing. As shown on the figure below, service contract is displayed within its validity period (Contract header start & end dates, Contract item start & end dates are displayed if the item dates are different than the header dates) and Contract Mileage Validity (Mileage From - To & Mileage Unit) is displayed if the mileage information is maintained in the contract items.

Item lines of the contract are displayed in the selection pop-over as reflecting status received from SAP VSS (greyed out items are invalid and not possible for selection).

Once toolbox icon is picked, a job is created and transferred to SAP VSS upon Transfer to DMS event.

To use contract function, parameter ENABLE_CONTRACT_JOB needs to be set to true and appropriate backend customizing must be in place.

Service Contract Processing

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