Vehicle Goods Manager
System supports process of storing customer’s or vendor’s goods like wheel sets, hardtops, tire sets in dealer’s storage.
The business process includes these functions:
Storing goods in dealer’s warehouse
Searching for existing and historical storage documents
Returning goods from warehouse and hand over to customer
Main document of Vehicle Goods Manager – VGM Order.
VGM order- main object
VGM Order will be built on two levels:
VGM order header data
Containing data like document ID, header status, plant, description, reference to partner, object
VGM order item data (main and sub items)
Containing item type dependent data like item type, item status, status description, rim type, size, manufacturer, storage data.
Each time the product will be handed over again from customer to plant a new document will be created, this means for each storage a new document will be generated.
New tool should support the actions like put the goods in storage, scrap goods. It should be possible to easily find the VGM order by customer, vehicle or plant.
Solution overview
VGM tool will consist of two parts:
List with orders
Detailed order view
Solution Overview
VGM Order will be referenced with:
Object data, whereby object can be VMS vehicle
Partner data, whereby partner can be Business Partner
Document data, whereby document can be VSS Order, CS Order, SRS Order
To control the processing of VGM Order the action matrices, linking actions and processing statuses were introduced. Action Matrix is a consolidated matrix of different actions/activities which can be carried out to a VGM order at any given moment of time and also the consequences once any action is executed. Action matrix primarily consists of different actions and related status to it. Every action does some processing like for example status change or document closure.
VGM Order can have following example statuses:
CANC Cancelled
CLOS Closed
CREA Created
PROC Processing
SCRP Scrapped
STRF From Warehouse
STRP From Warehouse (partially)
STSF In Warehouse
STSP In Warehouse (partially)
To steer VGM Order statuses and life-cycle of VGM Order, example actions were provided:
CANC Cancel
CHNG Change
CLOS Close
CREA Create new Document
CRER Create with Reference
DISP Display
ITMP Generate Item Proposal
PRIN Print
SCRP Scrap
STRE Return from Warehouse
STST Store in Warehouse
TBP Create/Change Customer
TVH Create/Change Vehicle
USCR Undo Scrap
USTR Undo Return from Warehouse
USTS Undo Store in Warehouse