Confirmation Types

Confirmation Types

To make the application more user friendly there are added several facilities:

Sending confirmation email when scheduling an appointment

In order to inform the user about the appointment, send the reminders and confirmations, sending E-Mail functionality was implemented.

OAS - E-Mail confirmation

Sending E-mail in case of cancelling/re-scheduling an appointment

In order to change an appointment, the SRS offers two alternatives:

  • Cancel the appointment in the OAS

  • Change the appointment by contacting the Customer Service and the Customer Service Representative can change the appointment in the To-Do Basket

a)    When the customer cancels the appointment in the OAS

Appointment cancelation

Appointment cancelation e-mail

A confirmation E-mail is sent including an ICS file to remove the appointment from the Outlook calendar.

b)    When rescheduling an appointment

Appointment rescheduling

A confirmation E-mail is sent including an ICS file for uploading the Outlook Calendar

Appointment rescheduling e-mail

Outlook calendar

End-user will receive e-mail with .ICS file as attachment.

An ICS file is a simple calendar file saved in a universal calendar format used by several email and calendar programs like for example Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar and Apple Calendar. It enables the users to publish and share calendar information on the web and over email.

OAS - Calendar entry

SMS confirmation

Another functionality implemented in order to inform the user about the appointment, send the reminders and confirmations is the sending SMS functionality.

OAS - SMS confirmation

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