Final Confirmations
You can specify whether confirmations created for time efforts/work time should be always final, finalized after checkout or never automatically finalized. This is configured with the following fields:
/PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition | Confirmations always final
/PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition | Finalize confirmations after checkout
Example customizing variants:
Case no. | Customizing | Time effort/work time... confirmations |
1 | /PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition | Confirmations always final activated | Confirmations will be created as final. Dummy (zero) post-checkout confirmations will not be created. |
2 | /PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition | Confirmations always final deactivated + /PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition | Finalize confirmations after checkout activated | Confirmations will be created as not final. They will be finalized after checkout (with a dummy post-checkout confirmation) |
3 | /PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition | Confirmations always final deactivated + /PACG/ECM_VSCTD - Service Call types definition | Finalize confirmations after checkout deactivated | Confirmations will be created as not final and checkout will not finalize them either. |
Case 1 example
The following confirmation is created for an inbound time effort. The confirmation is final. No additional (zero) confirmation is created after checkout.
Case 2 example
The following confirmation is created for an inbound time effort (picture on the left). The confirmation is not final. An additional (zero) confirmation is created after checkout and it is final (picture on the right).
Summary of confirmations:
Case 3 example
The following confirmation is created for an inbound time effort (picture on the left). The confirmation is not final. No additional (zero) confirmation is created after checkout.
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