Example flow for integration of the Crowd with purchase orders
Operation creation
Create a service order operation with standard control key, in the example below - ZS01, Service-intern..
Activity assignment
Assign the activity to a crowd technician on the Planning Board in SAP FSM:
Draft activities are sent to SAP ECC/S4:
Control key change
The control key in the service order operation changed to ZS02, Service-extern. This is done based on customizing in /PACG/ECM_CKDET - Update control key after act. ass. in FSM.
External data update, purchase requisition creation
The crowd technician’s vendor is determined from its master data. Price, material group and assignments are added to the service order. The price and amount was copied from the vendor’s outline agreement. If the UoM is the same as in the service order, then the quantity is copied from the service order. If there is a difference (as here in order “H” and in agreement “AU”), then UoM and quantity is copied to the service order.
The link to a purchase requisition can also be found:
The purchase requisition with material group:
In the test case, purchase order confirmation is necessary:
Activity release
Now the assignment can be released on the planning board:
ActivityConfirmed event
ActivityConfirmed event is triggered. During processing of confirmation event IDoc, purchase requisition will be confirmed automatically (if necessary).
Purchase order creation
The IDoc remains in status 51 because the created purchase order needs to be released:
Release should be performed in ECC/S4 manually:
Then the idocs can be processed with success:
In purchase order, an attachment was created with content of the printout:
The purchase order is sent to SAP FSM with status “OPEN”
The attachment is also sent:
Activity acceptance
In the Partner Portal the assignments can be accepted or rejected:
ActivityAccepted event
In case of acceptance, ActivityAccepted event is triggered and the following Idoc can be found in SAP ECC/S4:
Purchase order confirmation
The purchase order is confirmed:
The purchase order is now in status “APPROVED”:
Activity rejection
ActivityRejected event
In case of rejection, ActivityRejected event is triggered and the following idoc can be found in SAP ECC/S4:
The purchase order is deleted in ECC/S4:
The purchase order is sent to SAP FSM with status “CLOSED” and “cancelled”:
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