ATTACHMENTS of WBS service calls/activities
It is possible to add GOS/BDS/DMS attachments to service call/activity WBS elements (and have them sent to FSM), as well as store on WBS level attachments added in FSM to WBS service calls/activities.
Learn more about attachment customizing: Attachments Guide
This page includes the following attachment scenarios:
- 1 GOS/BDS/DMS attachments can be added to service call WBS and sent as service call attachments
- 2 GOS/BDS/DMS attachments can be added to activity WBS and sent as activity attachments
- 3 Attachments added to WBS service call in FSM can be stored as GOS/BDS/DSM attachments with reference to service call WBS
- 4 Attachments added to WBS activity in FSM can be stored as GOS/BDS/DSM attachments with reference to activity WBS
- 5 Attachments added to service call WBS can be inherited by activity WBS/activities
- 6 Attachments added to WBS activities in FSM can be inherited by service call WBS in SAP ECC/S4
GOS/BDS/DMS attachments can be added to service call WBS and sent as service call attachments
GOS/BDS/DMS attachments can be added to activity WBS and sent as activity attachments
Attachments added to WBS service call in FSM can be stored as GOS/BDS/DSM attachments with reference to service call WBS
Please note that adding an attachment to a service call in FSM always results in creation of additional attachment references for the service call’s activities (i.e. the FSM attachment is created also for all service call’s activities).
Learn more about attachment customizing: /PACG/ECM_CUST_ATTA - Inbound/Outbound Attachment Configuration
The attachment is added to all related activities.
Learn more about attachment customizing: /PACG/ECM_CUST_ATTA - Inbound/Outbound Attachment Configuration
The attachment is added to all related activities.
Learn more about attachment customizing: /PACG/ECM_CUST_ATTA - Inbound/Outbound Attachment Configuration
The attachment is added to all related activities.
Attachments added to WBS activity in FSM can be stored as GOS/BDS/DSM attachments with reference to activity WBS
Attachments added to service call WBS can be inherited by activity WBS/activities
After adding a GOS attachment to a service call WBS, activities (not activity WBS) inherit service call WBS’s attachments.
Attachments added to WBS activities in FSM can be inherited by service call WBS in SAP ECC/S4
Service call WBS attachments:
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